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How to Avoid Wavy Look on Hardie Siding

Paula T|Posted in一般的问题on

walking around my neighborhood at night, I saw some wavy hardie siding. It was likely the lighting that emphasized it, but i felt alarmed by how bad it looked. I don’t have a photo, but have questions.

My situation:
I have framed some walls at 16″ o.c. and others at 24″. I’m putting up housewrap now, and will add strips of wood for a rainscreen (about 1/4 – 1/2 inch, maybe plywood strips?).

I plan to staple the furring strips up on top of the studs (locating the studs using a studfinder which hopefully can ‘read’ through my 1/2″ cdx plywood sheathing and the housewrap. (Before putting up the top layer of housewrap, I can see where the stud layout is above and start the furring strip install by plumbing down.) I know it’s critical to hit the studs when installing the hardie plank siding.

I haven’t decided on a width for the hardie. Was planning to install with hd galvanized 8d nails (2 1/2 inch) with a pneumatic nailer.



2. I’ve appreciated the look of the 16″ wide stuff that is applied flat with z flashing above each strip (can someone tell me what that is called)?

Anyway my concern is that installing the siding over 24″ spacing will create that wavy look.

3.我应该添加额外的rainscreen条帮助苏pport the hardie?

4. Consider the thicker artisan hardie (2-3x much more expensive as I recall)?

I’m not getting the prepainted hardie, not using the woodgrain textured, in case that matters.

I would hate for it be obvious where the studs are and aren’t!

Thanks for any advice on this. I’m attaching a picture of the house I built this summer…
p.s. I used metal to cover the exterior crawlspace insulation (rockwool comfortboard). Pretty happy with how that turned out although it was tricky to figure out the entire assembly.

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  1. DCContrarian||#1



    1. Trevor Lambert||#2

      批准取决于的紧固件circumstances. Roofing nails aren't going to be sufficient to go through a rain screen and embed deep enough in the stud. 2.5" doesn't seem overly long to me. The planks are 0.75", the rain screen 0.25-0.5". That only leaves 1.25-1.5" embedding in the stud. You shouldn't have plumbing that close the exterior. Electrical is supposed to be 1.25" away from the stud edge, according to code. If that is the case, going with a 0.5" rain screen will give the 1.25" clearance.

      I think it's unlikely you'll detect studs through plywood using a standard stud finder. You can buy special ones that detect metal, which will detect the nails or screws under the house wrap.


      1. DCContrarian||#4


        For attaching to wooden framing, they recommend:
        • Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long)
        • 11ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shank x 0.371 in. HD x 1.25 in. long)

        For attachment directly to OSB they recommend:
        •壁板指甲(0.09英寸柄x 0.215英寸HD x 1-1/2英寸长。
        • Ribbed Wafer-head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 5/8 in. long x 0.375 in. HD)

        I wouldn't hesitate to nail to the sheathing. If you've ever stripped roofing or siding you know that the nails hold far better to the sheathing than they do to the shingles or siding.

        Back to my house: I don't have a rainscreen. The siding is 3/8" thick at the nailing point and the OSB is 7/16". A 2-1/2" nail is going to go in 1-11/16". My framing is 2x6 and I have 3" PVC drain pipe running in the exterior wall. The PVC has an actual dimension of 3.5" and the fittings are 4". So the pipe is 1" from the stud surface and the fittings are 3/4". The plumbing never had a chance.

        1. Paula T||#8

          Thanks for the reply, DC Contrarian. I have not yet installed the plumbing, and the majority of my plumbing will not be in the exterior walls, since I have a conditioned crawlspace. However it is worth considering using shorter fasteners in the walls that will contain plumbing (only a few locations).


          I plan to aim for the furring strips which hopefully will coincide with the studs, although I've missed the studs plenty of times in the past. If I nail to the sheathing between furring strips, that seems like it would increase the waviness, so I guess I could increase the number of furring strips, especially in walls where I have 24" spacing between studs.

          Finally, thanks for your observation that the waviness is possibly worse on wider hardie planks. I haven't yet chosen a width so going a little narrower at this point is an easy way to get a better effect. Does anyone else have similar observations to share?


          1. Trevor Lambert||#15


  2. 詹姆斯某人||#3

    I've only installed factory painted hardie clapboard, and it was ten years ago, we did a bunch in a new subdivision in Maine. It is a funny product imo...

    I think the wavyness would be reduced to non visible by the shorter runs your dealing with, not to mention your vantage point like you said... I was siding 70ft runs on 2 stories..

    Keep that siding dry and off the damp ground, bottom of the pallet was usually floppy like compared to the top pieces which has a noticeably more solid integrity.

    1. Paula T||#10


  3. DCContrarian||#5


    I know the wavy look you're talking about but I don't know how to prevent it. It seems more pronounced on wider planks.

  4. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#6

    The easiest way to avoid wavy fiber-cement siding is to use a different product. I prefer natural wood, but when clients insist on something with petroleum in it, I spec LP Smartside.

    1. Trevor Lambert||#12

      为什么LP Smartside(一种木纤维产品)比纤维水泥更容易发生波浪?

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines||#16


    2. 山姆||#17

      Fiber cement boards don't have any petroleum products as far as I know, I even double checked the SDS and didn't see any.

      LP Smartside does though.

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines||#19

        我没有说是这样,但是我本来可以更清楚的。我尝试规格天然木材和其他未经处理的材料。当客户坚持使用木材以外的其他东西时,出于美学原因,我一直能够从纤维水泥中说出来。但这剩下的要么是我偶尔做的金属壁板,要么用石油(乙烯基,Boral Truexterior,LP Smartside,可能是我忘记的其他人)。

        1. 山姆||#22

          Fair enough. The indefinite article strikes again.

  5. Doug McEvers||#7

    Cedar siding will last a very long time if it is oil primed on all sides and ends before installation. I have had some jobs that did not need a repaint until 20 years later. The oil back priming is the key to wood siding longevity. I prefer cedar rabbeted bevel as it is thicker and nails flat against the exterior.

    1. Paula T||#9


  6. Paula T||#11


  7. Jon R||#13

    A mesh rainscreen will provide better horizontal support to the siding than an air gap.

    Not clear to me that if you have nails/screws into the studs that you can't also put a midpoint nail/screw into the sheathing - providing better vertical and horizontal support.

  8. AlexPoi||#14

    When you install your furring strips, use a string line and shim out your furring strips to make the wall as flat as possible. It will take a bit of time but the wall will look much better. There are some examples on youtube if you want to see how it's done.

    1. Paula T||#21

      Thanks Alex. That sounds tedious but probably would go a long way to improving the end result. Do you agree that wider hardie plank will make the problem worse?

  9. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#18


    There are two things that can cause waviness in Hardi-siding. The first is the distance between supports, that you have already got advice on. The second is the gapping between the bottom edge of the boards and the piece below, and that is a function not only of the frequency of fasteners, but their correct placement.

    1. Paula T||#20

      Thanks Malcolm! For example if I put the fasteners up too high on the board, it might not lay tight to the board below it? That makes sense. I"ll be sure to follow the installation recommendations for that detail. I didn't mind the exposed fasteners when I did cedar (I used stainless nails). But here I was planning to use blind nailing since that seems to be recommended. The only place nails are also recommended is where I am butting two boards together. I have seen exposed nails lower on the boards in that case.

      1. 詹姆斯某人||#23




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