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Building an affordable green home


Hello All,

我是绿色建筑技术和最佳实践的新手,但是到目前为止,我有一个一般的概述,说明我想如何实现自己为自己遵循尽可能多的绿色建筑实践而感到自豪的房屋。我们没有很多额外的钱来建造一个绿色的房屋,但是我认为建造绿色房屋总是意味着花更多的钱(我可能是错的)。在我的研究中,听起来像是在平板上建造是一个遵循绿色建筑实践的好开端。我们正在新英格兰建造,地下室是标准的,板非常罕见。这绝对使某些设计阶段更具挑战性,尤其是在鸭子工程方面。我最初的绿色建筑实践概述是一个很好的起点吗?下面列出的方法是否有任何缺陷?如果没有地下室,可以有效地在房屋中运行鸭子的成本有效方法是什么?我以为我们可以使用OPT opt式桁架,我们可以通过管道进行管道,但这可能会很昂贵。

1) Building on a slab rather than a basement (No radiant floor heating)
– Save on excavation cost – disturbing less of the environment
- 将平板作为我们的地板完成 - 节省地板成本并降低建筑材料
– Eliminate the materials needed for joists and plywood for first floor

2) Large Passive Solar windows to work in tandem with the thermal mass advantages of the concrete flooring. Minimize heating energy and costs in winter.

3) Insulate the shell well.

Any advice or thoughts would be very appreciated!

GBA Prime


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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1


    The term "green" can mean different things to different people. And though the goals of low-embodied carbon, energy-efficiency, durability, healthy indoor air quality, passive suitability, etc. often align nicely in a building project, it may be helpful to put some thought into your priorities. Having an ordered list of what is important to you will help you make decisions when the budget gets in the way.

    许多高性能的建筑商通过选择在平板上建造来降低成本,并且正如您所想的那样,当将板用作完成底层时,这将变得更具成本效益。有些人不喜欢这种外观,而另一些人则觉得具体的地板在身体上很难。很多人都爱他们。管道可以在地板桁架,宽松的桁架,隔热阁楼等中运行。查看(检查一下)(Keeping Ducts Where they Belong)有关在平板上的房屋中运行管道的更多信息。

    一些绿色建筑商正在转向无混凝土板,以最大程度地减少波特兰水泥的高环境影响。这就是我所指的:最小化混凝土在平板上的家中- 在平板和地下室平板情况下都有可能。

    You can stretch your budget far if your design is cost-effective. For example keeping the house as small as possible and the footprint and roof as simple as possible is a lot more affordable than a house with lots of corners, or bumpouts, dormers, valleys, etc. these details also complicate water management, air-sealing, and insulating details.

    Some more random thoughts that may be helpful:

    If you are counting on solar gain and thermal mass for heating efficiency, you should hire someone to do energy modeling for you. This will likely be money well-spent as you think about how to spend on insulation, windows, doors, and other envelope details. The more money and effort you put into the envelope, the less you will need to spend on HVAC (A Manual J calculation is important to get HVAC right. Check out:A Beginner’s Guide to HVAC Design). And air sealing should be tested at the right time so that leaks can be identified and sealed throughBlower-Door-Directed Air Sealing.

    That's what comes to mind at the moment. Please ask as many specific questions as you'd like. There's a lot of combined knowledge here on GBA.

  2. 斯科特·坦尼(Scott Tenney)||#2



  3. Andrew C||#3

    Bravo for reviewing options now in the (pre) design phase when you can save a ton of money and headaches and avoid a lot of costly mistakes. Take your time now and have a complete plan including detail drawings BEFORE you start.
    Becoming a GBA member is the first step to saving yourself a lot of money during a new build. Then you can start picking off the articles that are referenced in Martin Holladay's "How to Do Everything" article.


    Final thought - air sealing is more important than you think. Find a builder that understands air sealing and uses a blower door; this will go a long way toward finding a "green" builder.

  4. GBA Editor

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