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#1. Based on my research they did not blow dense enough. Most of the insulation when I pressed on it was soft(not like the firm mattress feel I was looking for). They didn’t roll it flat, and left me to do it.
#2. The insulation got behind the netting and between the studs creating ridges up to or over 1\4” tall in many places
#3。他们将纤维素吹到所有的通风板上,其中许多降落在通风拱顶的顶部,这是LP Smart Soffit,已完成和涂漆。


I have pics but it won’t let me upload, perhaps too large.

GBA Prime


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  1. Brian Pontolilo||#1


  2. Eric Habegger||#2

    rsoup, it seems like a very substandard installation to me. It sounds like they left you stuck. I did my own cellulose install on my home and it turned out much better than yours. I can only tell you what I would do in your situation but I think you should trust what seems to me to be your pretty good instincts.


    I would hate to see you just give up on dense packing because there is only one installer in your area. That might mean doing it yourself like I did. Even the big box stores have cellulose machines for rent that are capable of doing the job at 3.5 lbs/ft which is sufficient for 2x6 framing (2x4 requires less). You just have to make sure the gate valve is adjusted so that you have a high ratio of air to cellulose because otherwise the machine will bog down before you get enough cellulose density. Some machine meant only for attic blows don't even have gate valve and are unsuitable for dense pack. Each bay should end up bellied way out behind the netting.

    The disadvantage of big box store machines are that they are generally slow because you have to dial the cellulose to air ratio way back for them not to bog down. The advantage of doing it yourself is that most of the cellulose is already there, though in insufficient quantity. Just put up new netting and make sure it is stapled securely to the 2x's so that it doesn't pop out under pressure. like theirs probably did. It's easy to have too much pressure coming from the compressor going to the stapler and have the stapler blow right through the netting. Ask me how I know!

  3. Eric Habegger||#3


  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4


  5. rsoup||#5

    Martin, I had read that article several times prior to the install which is how I quickly realized it was done wrong.

    So if I rent a machine, can I theoretically pull off the netting(not really netting, looks more like a plastic napkin) staple up some insulweb and blow into the insulation that is already in place or does it need to be removed? This is assuming it stays in the wall after removing the netting?

    1. Eric Habegger||#6

      我会尝试拉下现有的网络,只是看看纤维素是否留在那里。如果确实如此 - 很好。然后,只需放置新的Insulweb,然后用机器添加到现有的纤维素中。

  6. rsoup||#7

    好的,所以我跳跃了,决定进行密度测试。我在两个位置拆除了1/2立方英尺。一个小海湾的窗户下方的一个,我知道它可能已经足够密集,另一个在顶部的墙上,感觉柔软。寡妇下面的测试导致2磅,壁测试的1.362磅。是否有任何官方文件说明3.5 PCF我可以向公司展示以帮助我的案件?

    1. GBA编辑
      Martin Holladay||#9

      I don't know what you mean by "official documents," but here are links to two references that explain why you need a minimum density of 3.5 lbs. per cubic foot for an adequate installation of dense-packed cellulose:

      "Dense-Pack Cellulose Coverage Chart"

      "Dense-Pack Cellulose Insulation Done Right"

  7. Eric Habegger||#8

    As a diy'er I don't think my name carries much weight. I would use Mr. Hulstrunck as a reference. That's probably misspelled. Other people here might be able to help you with a reference. I'm pretty sure the 3.5 lbs/ cubic ft is right though.

  8. rsoup||#10

    感谢s Eric for all of your guidance and input and everyone who replied. Much appreciated.

  9. rsoup||#11

    好了最后一个问题我希望有人能回答智慧h confidence. I stared pulling down the netting and I keep getting this bad feeling that if I leave the cellulose in, being that’s it’s already between 2-3 pcf and rolled, I’m going to have trouble getting anymore to blow in with the machine I have available to rent(force 1 is biggest I could find). I’m going to glue the netting to the studs and am not doing this again. Am I better of removing cellulose and starting over or will the force 1 be able to add more density? Thanks

  10. rsoup||#12




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