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Crawlspace and radon

SH2020| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I have a room in the cellar that I dug down from a crawlspace to make a 7 foot high room. So, I have a dirt floor with three feet of dirt up to the cement footings. I have laid 6 mil plastic and sealed it to the footings to prepare for cementing. But now it looks I need to prepare for radon mitigation. I heard the I can dig a 10 foot trench, add crushed stone and put in a perforated pipe with a “T” to protrude above the cement. Will that work, or do I need to add crushed stone across the entire floor before I cement?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi SH2020.

    当涉及到安装氡mitigation system, I recommend you read this:All About Radon

    I am dug out the earth next to the footings, straight down? Did you consult an engineer?

    1. SH2020||#2

      Hi Brian,
      No, only dug to within 3 feet of the wall.

      So there should be a perforated pipe buried in the crushed stone. All around the perimeter? This area is 20x 15, I know they just drill a hole to the crushed stone in existing cellars and it works.

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