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Detailing bottom of Roxul Comfort board IS

Edward Krause| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

How are those of you using this product detailing the bottom of the wall where the Roxul is exposed?

I noticed on one post about a project in BC, they used a perforated galvanized channel to encase the bottom of the IS. Does anyone know where to source a channel like that?

I’ll be using 3″ Comfort board over 1/2 CDX sheathing, over 3/4″ x 3″ furring strips, then cedar shingles.


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  1. Lucy Foxworth||#1


    Here are 2 links to installing Roxul mineral wool on the exterior. These photos show the J-channel at the bottom of the Roxul. The only company I've found that has a similar product is Menzies Metal. I wasn't able to find that product when we were building our house, so we just skipped it.


  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Show this photo to a local sheet metal shop and ask if they can bend you some perforated galvanized channel that looks like the photo.


  3. Edward Krause||#3

    Thanks very much, Lucy and Martin.


  4. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#4

    It is a lot easier here in BC. Because our code mandates rain screens, most lumberyards stock a variety of widths and as Martin said will also bend up any other custom sizes. Soffit installers also have breaks and might be another place to try.

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