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My wife and I are in the beginning stages of planning our next home build here in Maine and have been going back and forth with how we should spend our money. On one hand, I would love to build with a double stud wall and try and reach r40-r45, but on the other hand, we are seeing some higher than expected estimates for our other costs which may limit us in how we approach our wall assembly.

如果我们负担不起原材料,隔热材料和劳动力来构建双层墙的额外费用,我们可以做一个“下一个最好的事情”吗?一个想法是只用传统的2×6墙壁建造,用岩石羊毛隔离,或喷洒泡沫,然后在外观上加入1-2英寸的刚性泡沫(Zip r6?),然后在质量更好的窗户上花费更多的钱(三重 - 三重 -釉),同时最小化北侧和其他任何地方的窗户。


Thanks in advance!

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    An IRC code min wall in Maine would be 2x6/R20 + R5 continuous insulation, or 2x4/R13 + R10.

    在缅因州哪里?(重要的是 - 气候范围从6区的温暖边缘到区域7的中部。)

    R5 isn't sufficient for dew point control on R20 fiber in Maine, but R10 is sufficient for R13 or R15. It takes R11.25 for dew point control on R20 in a 2x6 wall. A 2x6/ R23 rock wool wall with 2" of foil faced polyiso would be marginal on dew point, but would work if using 2" Dow Thermax, which doesn't need to be derated for cold temperatures the way most polyiso does. The 2x6/R23 + R13 polyiso wall comes in around R30 "whole wall" after thermal bridging.

    In southern and coastal Maine a U0.20-U0.25-ish double low-E double pane can work, beating code min by a substantial amount. The second low E coating is on the surface in contact with the indoor air, and the glass temp will be lower than with a triple pane, which in the interior or in far northern Maine can result in copious window condensation during the coldest weather. A double low-E double pane is quite a bit cheaper than a triple pane of comparable performance.

    1. kandrews5725||#2

      Thank you for the information. We are building in Coastal Maine, Freeport to be exact. Budget is certainly a factor with the build so if we could do it with some sort of hybrid approach such as double pane low-e argon on the South and West and triple glaze on the North and East side, I'm happy to do that.

      1. Expert Member
        Dana Dorsett||#3

        In Freeport a double low-E double pane is fine (for all sides of the house).

        使用Argon填充Cardinal Glass LOE-180 + i89在玻璃中心的U0.20运行,其太阳增益比典型的单个Low-E Argon Code-Min Windows的典型增益更高。这是多个双窗格窗口供应商的选择,包括价值定价的区域播放器Harvey(将其称为“ Roomside Low-e”):

  2. Expert Member
    Rick Evans||#4


    Just a couple of thoughts:


    Regarding windows, it's not just about the number of panes- air leakage also plays a role. European tilt and turns have multiple locks (mine has 9 per window). I've seen triple pane windows from Marvin and Anderson that only have two locks. While heat loss probably isn't dramatic with these windows, there may be comfort issues. Talk to the guys at Pinnacle Windows in Augusta. Our Logic windows were cheaper than mid level Anderson windows at home Depot.


    Don't forget to use reclaimed foam under the slab. You'll save a few thousand dollars to use for better windows or more insulation.

  4. 节俭||#6

    R21 fiberglass batts are half the price of R23 mineral wool batts.

  5. Expert Member
    Peter Yost||#7

    HI Keith -

    Interesting dilemma: putting money into windows vs opaque walls. In my own home, although it was a retrofit not new construction, I really wish I had put in fewer and higher quality windows. In the long run, windows that deliver less maintenance, less air leakage, greater comfort is worth every penny. Take a look at Matthews Brothers in your neck of the woods (“本地”,它们确实具有三窗格窗口。


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