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BAC478|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Is there a more cost effective way to insulate this small area? air permeable insulation means I have to vent the assembly which chews up insulation depth. I don’t want to add more than 1.5″ to the existing 2x4s because it decreases attic space. This is not enough area to rent the cellulose machine again, at least not in my opinion (I probably should have done this when I blew-in the rest of the second story, but I hadn’t discovered the problem yet)

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    (By the way, your explanation of the damp sheathing on the north side of the roof was clear and accurate. It's fairly common for gable roofs to have damp sheathing on the north and dry sheathing on the south, as you observed, due to the beneficial effects of the sun.)

  2. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#2

    有了2x4s + 2x2s,您总共有5英寸。屋顶甲板完全受到闭合泡沫的1英寸的保护,但几乎所有到处都有2英寸。可以安全地涂在一个通行证中的最大深度是2英寸,通过两次通行之间的冷却期,您可以在那里停留。

    If you give it a 2" shot of foam and fill the remaining 3" with a compressed R13 batt it will have nearly the same performance as a full fill of closed cell polyurethane.


    You don't state your location, but with 2" of foam and a compressed (to ~3") R13 you would have sufficient dew point margin at the foam/fiber boundary even at the warm edge of US climate zone 7. In climate zone 4 or lower you'd be fine with 1" closed cell foam and a compressed R20 (or R19, if you're REALLY cheaping out.)

  3. BAC478||#3

    Old house, so true 2x4s. 4+1.5=5.5in. Closed cell is rated at about R7/in. fiberglass is about R3.6/in. I'm going to ask the obvious question: 7*5.5>7*2+3.5*3.6 so how will the foam+fiberglass have equal performance to full thickness closed cell? Unless we are talking moisture (or lack thereof) performance?

    Climate zone 5, zip 01301.

    不幸的是,泡沫和同等量仅在200 bf和600 bf尺寸中出现。我需要2英寸大约300英寸。一个600 bf套件在600美元的北部。我更喜欢摇滚羊毛,而不是玻璃纤维,这将增加$ 120。这使我回来了720美元,$ 750让有人喷洒它。玻璃纤维是50摇滚羊毛的成本%,这将使我的价格为660美元,仍然相对接近750美元。


  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4






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