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Electric hydronic radiant heat

塞缪尔·纽曼(Samuel Newman)|发布Mechanicals


我正在为我的母亲设计一间小屋,该小屋将于明年夏天在佛蒙特州中部建造。它是20'x 34'单层,可能是棚屋(南方曝光高16',北部暴露于12')。Wall assembly isn’t totally hammered down yet, but likely 2×6 walls with cellulose in cavity and rigid foam on exterior, lots of cellulose in the roof, and careful air sealing throughout (the envelope is very simple in order to make air sealing easier). Goal for R values will be 30-40 in walls and 60 in roof.

我的问题是要加热建筑物。我在自己的房子里安装了带有无油箱加热器的辐射地板,我真的很喜欢它,并希望为她做同样的事情。但是我也有兴趣将所有公用事业电动保持电动,因此我们可以通过添加一个小的PV阵列来达到净零。我知道我只能使用一个热泵,但由于几个原因,我真的不喜欢它们 - 我不喜欢吹气,而且我不喜欢在房子外面有一个丑陋的压缩机。因此,我的问题是:使用电热水器加热水力地板是否疯狂?我的感觉是,在这座相当高性能标准的建筑物中,它可能会很好。

Please note this question is about using an electric water heater for radiant, not so much about the pros and cons of radiant heat. I know it’s not for everyone, slow to respond, etc., but I really like it.


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  1. 里德·鲍德温(Reid Baldwin)||#1


  2. 鲍勃·欧文||#2

    辐射的热量很好,很可能会加热小屋,但是在空调和除湿的空调和除湿中很糟糕,这对老年人来说很重要,而且非常重要。我已经建造了几个房屋,我的客户不想要丑陋的墙单元(Minisplits),但是在看到行动中的单元后,改变了主意,也没有后悔。数十年来,我们在家里有“热空气”的热量,几年前升级为Minisplits - 没有比较。迷你的使用非常低的风扇设置;它们是安静且不引人注目的,并且是迄今为止我使用过的最好的供暖源。但是,如果您只是担心热量而不是舒适,那么您的计划应该可以正常工作。

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    A shed roof pitch facing north means no rooftop solar. Is that "...small PV array..." going to be ground mounted?


    Choosing the heating system before running the heat load numbers is folly.

    The perfomance goals of "...R values will be 30-40 in walls and 60 in roof..." are extremely ill-defined, unless you're talking about "whole-assembly R", that calculates all there thermal bridging in the framing, the R-values of sheathing, siding, gypsum board, roofing, etc. Five inches of HFO blown 2lb foam in a 2x6 studwall 16" on center is about R35 at center-cavity, but would result in a whole-wall R of less than R20. A 2x4/R13 wall with 3" of continuous polyiso sheathing would be only R31, but would have a whole -wall R in the R28-R30 range.

    1. 卡利·伯杰(Cali Berger)||#5

      Hi Dana
      Just came across your comments from 2018. I have the same questions as the OP. Can you provide more info about electric boilers? Specific questions are typical longevity, maintenance, and would you couple the boiler with an indirect water heater for domestic hot water?


      Thank you

      1. Expert Member
        Dana Dorsett||#7

        >"Can you also comment on calculating heat loads? Is this something I can do myself? Are there online calculators you recommend?"

        If you lived in a colder climate and had a heating history you could get reasonably accurate results for load using energy use against heating degree-day data. But zone 3C it's so temperate the results would be skewed by solar gain, water use, and negative HDD days in any given billing period. Though it will probably deliver paradoxical results in your climate zone, that method looks like this:

        That leaves you with Manual-J or similar:

        ...or... an I=B=R method approach:



        Even when using the most aggressive assumptions on air tightness LoadCalc tends to overshoot by 20% or more, and will overshoot by a LOT if all of your inputs err to the conservative rather than aggressive/optimistic. CoolCalc is an ACCA registered Manual-J tool, but like all calculators garbage in= garbage out. The instructions in the ACCA Manual-J specify that all factors that could potentially reduce the load number need to be factored in for it to be reasonably accurate, so be aggressive/optimistic on all R-value, U-factor, and air tightness assumptions.



        Electric boilers are pretty rugged, and don't need much in the way of maintenance. As long as the systems water isn't too acid (check the pH every year or three) and it isn't being crazy over-pumped (or drastically underpumped) it should last for decades at the kind of duty cycle you'd see in zone 3C.

        1. 卡利·伯杰(Cali Berger)||#8


  4. 伊桑气候5A;〜6000HDD||#4

    如果您的负载相对较低,则与辐射热水绑在一起的砂hwh是一个很好的有效解决方案。我现在正在寻找Sanden Heat+DHW,以及用于冷却,除湿,通风和补充热量的Minotair。

  5. 乔恩·R||#6

    A Chiltrix air to water heat pump is another option. You can use it with both a radiant floor (Winter) and fan coils (Summer AC).


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