
2006年作为of a major remodel of a two-story 2,300 square foot house in the San Francisco Bay Area (climate zone 3), I spent a lot to go low carbon. To summarize what the subcontractor came up with: Solamax solar thermal collector tubes on the roof would heat three domestic hot water tanksandalso heat the storage tank for a two-manifold multi-zone hydronic radiant floor heating. As backup for cloudy days, a Unico Unichiller RC air-water heat pump would heat our domestic hot water and provide radiant heating. Twelve pumps, two flat plate heat exchangers, lots of Tekmar and Taco controllers, endless pipes and wires.
热泵从来没有用来提供家用热水,但是它能够为辐射的加热环提供125°F的水,对于一些冬季,我们享受了舒适的区域加热和温暖的地板。哇!Unfortunately the contractor set the radiant heating system to call for a boiler temperature of 130°F, so the first winter the heat pump ran 24 hours a day (cue Scotty of Star Trek voice “Cap’n, she’s doing all she can, she simply cannae produce any moor heat!”). Maybe that’s why after three years the heat pump required $1000 repairs every winter until I stopped throwing money away. We’ve made do with portable space heaters the last few winters, which isn’t comfortable.
但I had a working radiant floor heating system呢我只需要无碳的热源。令我惊讶的是,这是如此困难,在美国似乎很少。Daikin Altherma在美国不可用。桑登(Sanden)可以使您使用其二氧化碳热水器进行空间加热,但我不确定现有的外部管道将损坏的热泵额定为饮用水。请记住,我在加利福尼亚温带,温度在冬季只能降至50秒,很少冻结过夜。
Another wrinkle is our modest need for space cooling. Every few years it’s hot enough to want to cool our house. The Unico heat pump could be switched to produced chilled water. I’m aware of the cautions about condensation and mold, but just to run some tepid water through the floor seems like a no-brainer; however, the Tekmar/Taco controls are all set up for radiant heating, not cooling. Does anyone make radiant heating system controllers that understand cooling as well as heating? Or is this a hopeless endeavor?
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If any GBA readers wonder which articles might have saved Skier from his fate, here is a list:
I hope you will become an active member of the GBA community so that you can share your experience with other homeowners who may be tempted down the path you took.
如果你想保持舒适的辐射,best way to go is as Martin suggested, add in an electric boiler.
Best of luck.
If you still want to use radiant, you should investigate the Chiltrix heat pump.
我认真考虑了童。看起来像一个很棒的单位。我有光芒四射,尽管我想尝试一下Chilltrix,但由于不熟悉的Skier提到的原因,我的HVAC承包商使我不知所措。至少明天我死了,我的妻子将能够打电话给某人并让他们为锅炉提供服务,我并不相信在热泵上。对于“类似”的钱,我最终使用了高效的Viessmann Vitodens 200锅炉。该锅炉令人难以置信,高级控件使系统非常简单和优雅。唯一的问题是他们还没有弄清楚如何从屋顶上的面板中制作丙烷!我们喜欢到目前为止的光芒四射,我的父母拥有富士通热泵,尽管它们效率高且具有成本效益,但毫无疑问,我们的系统更舒适,甚至大多数人都会说,辐射地板不适合有效的信封,但我不同意。过度杀伤力 - 也许,但是我正在用80-85度的水加热我的房子,而70度的回流水像疯了一样凝结,希望整年在我们的400加仑的丙烷中制造出来!
Be very careful about sizing the indoor units proportionally to the load when going with a multi-split. Unlike single zone mini-splits on multi-zone system the heads don't really modulate, and when any one zone is active there is refrigerant going to the others, even when "off", with no blowers active. On rooms with very loads & ludicrously oversized head capacity just the excess refrigerant can overheat/overcool the room when a more appropriately sized head is serving another zone on the same compressor. The better solution is often to go with a single zone (and thus modulating) mini-duct cassette serving 2-4 rooms, tweaking the room to room temperature balance with the duct design and balancing vanes.
Considering the indoor unit CFM needed for AC comfort (ie latent removal, important in most areas), some are more like 1.3:1.
In the SF Bay area latent loads are usually negative.
Thanks so much for your comment. The local Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor proposed a MLZ-KP18NA ceiling cassette because of appearance and easier installation; for some reason it *requires* a multi-zone heat pump, so MXZ-3C24NA.
My living room is 380 sq feet but we usually open sliding doors so it opens onto 480 sq feet of dining/kitchen/office with cathedral ceilings. Unfortunately I can't find the Title 24 energy report from my remodel. My impression is the ceiling unit's 18,000 Btu/hr cooling and 21,600 heating is way overkill for the living room alone but not wrong for the entire space. I could delay the minisplit while I try to find someone independent to do the load calculations (and explain "latent loads" to me)... it seems none of you experts in cyberspace are in Northern California to take my money (!).
我同意,对于1.5吨冷却和21,600 btu/hr的加热的空间和位置的数量是过大的。当使用多切割压缩机时,过度杀伤甚至更糟,因为盒式盒子不会调节。安装程序不感兴趣地引用安装更为标准的东西所需的木工。
它们更大,可以说是丑陋的,但是KA系列天花板盒具有不错的调制范围,并且可以适当尺寸。但是,由于它们不适合16英寸O.C.托运框架,这意味着安装它们需要一些木工。KA系列都可以将所有油门返回到〜3K @ +47f:
Just one thought. I wonder if the Unico could be piped to the solar system directly. that way it's efficiency would be much higher since in heating more it makes cold water that the collectors could push more heat into. I think that chiller can operate up to 130F, so could make DHW OK.