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Exterior wall insulation help

BCBUD3|Posted in一般的问题on

I recently replaced a window on the exterior wall of my 1960 house. The wall is half concrete, half 2×4 construction. I framed in the window with 2×6 with the intention of furring out the rest of the wall to improve insulation.


The outside of the house has shiplap sheathing nailed to the studs, a layer of building paper on top of the sheathing and cedar siding directly on top of the building paper. How do i properly insulate this exterior wall?


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    B.C. Bud,
    Q. "The outside of the house has shiplap sheathing nailed to the studs, a layer of building paper on top of the sheathing and cedar siding directly on top of the building paper. How do I properly insulate this exterior wall?"



    在所有情况下,您都需要密切注意气密性 - 尤其是考虑到外部漏水。(板护套通常比OSB或胶合板护套更漏。)如果您选择安装喷雾泡沫绝缘材料,则喷雾泡沫绝缘材料将在空气密封方面做得很好。您可能需要考虑闪光和棒的方法。有关更多信息,请参阅"Flash-and-Batt Insulation."


    最后,如果您的目标是高R值,则可能需要考虑安装内部刚性泡沫。有关此方法的更多信息,请参阅"Walls With Interior Rigid Foam."

  2. BCBUD3||#2

    我的预算不允许喷泡沫。有any other options? Could i staple building paper to the shiplap or even tyvek (i have leftovers)?

  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3


    A. Then you should buy a case or two of good caulk.

    Q. "Are there any other options? Could I staple building paper to the shiplap or even Tyvek?"

    答:是的,您可以,但是(a)建筑纸不是一个好的空气屏障,(b)Tyvek不是空气屏障以及Tyvek到木材框架的接缝。这是劳动密集型且昂贵的 - 因此,购买一两个喷雾泡沫套件(在Lumberyards可用)可能会便宜。

  4. BCBUD3||#4

    有a certain brand or type you would recommend? I don't want to purchase the wrong type of foam. I guess I would spray vertically along the studs and horizontally into each seam of the shiplap?


  5. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#5

    B.C. Bud,
    There is no inexpensive way to air seal this type of sheathing from the interior. How you proceed depends on your energy performance goal and your budget.


    If you can scrape together enough money, you can use the flash-and-batt approach -- either with two-component spray foam kits (all brands are similar) or with a spray foam contractor's help. In most cases, hiring a spray foam contractor for a flash-and-batt job is cheaper than buying several kits for a DIY approach.

    If you don't have enough money or time for either of these approaches, you can slip narrow rectangles of asphalt felt into each stud bay and call it good enough. You'll have more air leakage with this approach, but it will be cheap.

  6. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#6


  7. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#7

    When furring out the 2" to accommodate batts designed for 2x6 framing consider using Bonfigliioli strips made of 1" or 1.25" (if you can find it) foil faced polyiso and 1x furring rather than solid wood. With R6 on the framing it cuts the framing fraction's losses by more than half compared to solid wood. See:


  8. BCBUD3||#8

    Could I use a combination of foam board and fiberglass insulation? I have already purchased the fiberglass ( 2x6 type) and find foam board very easy to work with. Example: a 1/2 layer of foam board against the ship lap and the 2x6 fiberglass on top of that?

  9. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#9






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