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Flashing Existing Windows When Replacing Siding

234John|发布General Questionson

Hello –

I have decided to remove the stucco on the second floor and gables of my 100 year old home. The windows and roof have been replaced already – the house gutted – framed and all new mechanicals replaced. It is currently awaiting stucco removal with Hardie Plank installation before insulation and dry wall etc.
The contractor has removed the stucco, and has placed Tyvek wrap to the existing 1 inch thick plank existing frame after the layers of stucco and lathe and underly second layer of old shingles have been removed.

I am concerned regarding the WRB. The Tyvek has been placed, stapled, seems taped, however what attention should be made to sealing the existing replacement windows in the old frames be? Currently there is Tyvek and Azek framing the windows.

In an attempt to quality control the current contractor, what should they be wrapping the window with??? Additional Butyl TAPE???

Please assist – I do not desire water penetration and I am insisting upon a water cap on the top of the windows, but do not know what consensus is regarding replacement windows into the existing frame of a 1920 home? I am concerned about water leaks !!!!

Thank you. John

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  1. Brian Wiley||#1

    Hi, John. Just to clarify, the existing replacement windows are the typical flangeless, vinyl replacement windows? Or are they something different?

    1. 234John||#2

      Yes Brian. The contractor removed the entire home siding after new Marvin Ultimate replacement windows were placed.

      1. 234John||#3

        Should the contractor use the Dupont Flexwrap first underneath the azak?? in order to seal the windows from water??

  2. Brian Wiley||#4

    If I understand your question correctly, then yes, the flexwrap should go under the azek trim boards.

    Details on the procedure can be found here:

  3. Expert Member

    These windows are very exposed, I would put a head flashing above the trim. Make sure this is installed properly (slit, tuck under the house wrap be lapped by it).

    Looks like you also have some gutters and roof dumping near the walls, I would cover that section with peel and stick and also put a kickout flashing on the wall.

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