只是想知道如何用热泵做出展示。12月的后半部分 - 1月上半年在Mn的真正冬天。我在CZ 7,北部MN,我们刚刚在-33F的年夜夜晚。我有一个超热的Muzfh15na外面的单位和一个MSZFH15NA室内单元加热一个故事1344平方英尺的家。(18K BTU / HR加热容量)恒温器设定为72F。在凌晨2点,我起身检查东西,然后关闭热泵。我的踢脚板电气在67岁时出现,刚刚开始。早上7点,它是-33F,房子是66°F。到了早上8点,太阳出现并开始了南部曝光房子的工作。到上午9点,基板恒温器将其关闭。 At 9:15 (-28F -Weather Channel) the heat pump started its defrost cycle and a few minutes later started putting out heat. The outdoor unit is in the sun in the morning so that may have warmed it up some. As can be expected, I am very happy so far with my set up. I got the heat pump fired up Dec. 20, and it has been heating the home on its own since, with the coldest previous low temp was -25F. By 11AM it was -13F and we are expecting a nice warmup into the +25F range within the next couple days :-). I did turn off the HRV before bed last night, and I had a little condensation on the windows at the bottom of the top pane in my double hung outie windows, even got some ice in the corners, I turned the HRV back on at -18F and the windows are drying up.
感谢您分享您的体验。很高兴听到一切的工作。在大多数情况下,最寒冷的夜晚通常是阳光灿烂的日子 - 这是一件好事。
在半热带缅因州,由于我们搬进来,它没有比约-10°F更冷,但我们的富士通RLS3H Miniplits已经很好。我认为任何绝缘和良好的空气房屋都可以在偶尔的真正寒冷的夜晚岸上沿岸。
Fujitsus不这样做,并且在温度降温的位置可能是常规冬季发生的位置。但是,如果它每年只有几个小时,那么在电力账单中很难看到,因为,在温度比-20f和踢脚板加热器的温度降低的微型分裂之间的效率之间的效率差异并不是很大的,aCOP为1.1 - 1.5与COP为1.0。