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维多利亚豪斯|发布Energy Efficiency and Durabilityon


I now plan to add insulation to the attic but am told I need vents in the roof. One roofer suggested two Lomanco Whirlybirds but also said it might not work because there were no lower intake vents. A Lomanco engineer recommended against his own vent because there are no lower vents and suggested a gravity vent made by Greenheck. But a Greenheck technical sales rep recommended against installing a gravity vents because I would be


So what kind of vents should I install?

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  1. Expert Member

    维多利亚豪斯, you won't hear me saying this very often because I avoid foam whenever possible due to climate and health concerns, but this is a situation where closed cell foam is likely the best way to ensure your structure remains safe from moisture issues. I specify HFO-blown foam, which has a blowing agent that is not as terrible a greenhouse gas as conventional HFC-blown foam. If your installer doesn't know what HFO-blown foam is, find a different installer.

  2. 维多利亚豪斯||#2

    Thanks for responding to my post and questions Michael. A couple vent manufactures recommended I go with gravity vents. One has recommended two intake vents at low points at both ends of the roof, and two exhaust events at the highest point on the roof. Active Ventilation Products Inc is recommending:


    >PV-16-C8 or C12 for intake.

    Does this make sense to you?

  3. Lindaloowho||#3

    Love that house!!!






    1. 维多利亚豪斯||#4

      Thanks for your response Lindaloowho,

  4. Expert Member

    With living space under a roof like yours, any type of spinning vents, powered or not, are a bad idea. It is very easy for these to depressurize the attic space and exacerbate moisture problems by drawing in more moist air from the house through leaks in the ceiling/walls.


    Around me (Zone 5) lot of low slope roofs are vented with a combination of edge vents (just a gap behind the drip edge) and the occasional flat roof vent.



    Some exhaust vents near the top of the ridge might also be needed. You can try just installing the edge vents first and install these if you see issues.

  5. 维多利亚豪斯||#6

    Thanks for weighing in Akos,



    What if I had gravity vents like Greenheck’s GRSI并将它们放在顶部屋顶的最低点和顶部屋顶的最高位置?那会起作用吗?这是Greenheck Gravity通风口的外观。这里没有任何旋转。

  6. Igrigos||#7


  7. 维多利亚豪斯||#8

    There is insulation over the ceiling of the 3rd floor. Our plan is to add additional insulation in the attic. There is a trap door on the ceiling of the 3rd floor, leading to a hatch to the roof. These photos are of the space between the roof and 3rd floor attic. And yes, the insulation under the TPO is a bit of a waste with respect to insulation. I can't remember why we added that. It's possible the roofer thought it would be a good surface upon which to lay down the Firestone TPO.

  8. Expert Member

    Those vents are for commercial application where there is fan pushing air out, closer to a range hood cap than a roof vent. You want simple passive vents, essentially a big hole protected from rain.

    Depending on how your crown is installed and finished, you might be able to drill holes in it and protect with color matched covers. In your case it is also much easier to add vent area to the peak of the roof, our code allows only 25% of the total vent area to be down low, which would reduce your install costs a fair bit.

  9. 维多利亚豪斯||#10

    What if I had two whirlybird style turbine vents at the highest points on the roof, and then two gravity vents like Greenheck’s GRSI to allow the air to flow in on the lowest points of the roof?. Would that work?

  10. Jon R||#11

    You can power vent an attic, routing ducts wherever convenient. For moisture control (vs attic cooling), very little CFM is needed. So it will use little electricity. The common concern about depressurizing a) isn't significant at very low flow rates or b) can be avoided completely with push/pull ventilation.

  11. 维多利亚豪斯||#12




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