I live in Colorado (Zone 5B) and have an Ultimate Air ERV which has finally died. I think I can get by with an HRV as a replacement as my furnace-based humidifier is fairly powerful, and I prefer the simplicity of an HRV.
我想要一个中等高效可靠的品牌nt, but most importantly reliable, and has parts and service available. The Ultimate Air was nice, but I had some issues a long time ago and it was a royal pain to get any help – they were just too small a company.
I have been looking at Broan/Venmar. Zehnder seems very expensive, and one or two of the other brands I found are based in Canada and I cannot find any US service agents.
Is Broan/Venmar decent? Other suggestions? Since all my ductwork is in place (distribution and return ducts), I think I should be able to buy an HRV on-line and replace it with a bit of help from a handy person (my lifting days are over…). I need about 150 cfm max flow, 50 – 60 continuous.
Thoughts appreciated!
您会开放安装ERV吗?松下智能体积100和200得到一贯的评论。看https://na.panasonic.com/us/home-and-building-solutions/ventilation-indoor-air-quality/energy-recovery-ventilatorsfor more info.
Thanks Steve - I will take a look. Looks like the 200 model might be what is closest to my needs.
I have had good experience with Panasonic products before, and I am open to an ERV. It's just that ERV cores tend to be a bit harder to maintain - cannot wash them etc. Where do you see reviews on ERV/HRVs - have not ben able to find any. Thx
Thanks for that great thread,
我实际上是回顾了ERV ... 10年前卖给我终极空气的公司建议我认真考虑它们,因为科罗拉多州的空气是如此干燥。我们确实有一个非常好的炉子安装的加湿器,但是真的不确定它可以跟上HRV倾倒湿度...
在查看Panasonics时,200型型号大约是Broan B160E75RS(ERV)的两倍。它确实具有更好的能源规格。松下100的价格和能源规格与Broan的价格和能源规格大致相同,但气流较低。(100对133)
我要查找Merv 13滤波器尺寸和规格,以比较两者。
Sizing recommendations seem to be all over the map - from a 75 cfm recommendation on the Broan site, to 130 cfm per the latest ASHRAE.
Thanks again,
Thanks Steve,
它不会让我阅读文章 - 说我需要GBA Prime会员资格,这是我认为我签署的。我在网站上遇到了一些问题。
根据旧的ASHRAE计算,我的房屋需要63 CFM,每个新的一个,129 CFM。我的房子是3,300平方英尺,3 bdr。密封非常好。我认为我得到的最后一个门测试大约是0.27,从那以后我做了更多的密封。我的妻子有很多过敏,所以我们主要有木地板,所有气体电器都有排气烟雾的电通,100%的电炉等。
我的终极AIR ERV的额定值为200 CFM,但我们通常在60左右运行,偶尔爆炸到大约3/4的高处以清理房屋。60大多数时候似乎很棒(当臭鼬偶尔在外面放松时太好了!我们曾经几乎潜入ERV关闭。)
So I figure somewhere around 130 - 150 should be adequate - would run at less than 1/2 power most of the time. Perhaps I could go lower?? Th Broan website seems to suggest 75 - 90 cfm.