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Insulating vented cathedral ceiling with Roxul comfort batts and foil-faced polyiso, HRV and Mini-split recommendations, etc.

Edward Krause| Posted inGeneral Questionson


I’m building a 1400 sq. foot house using materials and techniques to make it an energy efficient (relatively) passive solar in the woods of western Wisconsin, zone 6:


~R12 3″ Roxul comfort board for outside continuous blanket

~R23 Roxul Comfort Batts in stud cavities. air sealed carefully.

~ I know from reading this forum off and on over the years that a cathedral ceiling is difficult to do well.. I’m doing it anyway, for reasons of ease of build with one occasional semi-skilled helper and aesthetics. The vault is one long run on a simple shed roof on the second story, which is for only 35% of the buildings footprint. My plan is for R38 of Roxul in rafter cavities (12″ TJI rafters) plus 2″ rigid foam on the bottom side for thermal break and an additional R10. The roof has continuous 1.5″ site-built venting, bottom to top.

~ Standing seam metal roof. 3/12 pitch. large overhangs.

我一直在阅读更多关于智能汽室迟钝的人。我的屋顶/吊顶计划是将泡沫粘贴并运行碳水化合物和T + G Aspen天花板。这个系统将有一个障碍,而不是延迟器,正确?一个问题?

2. I’m planning on a smart vapor retarder for walls. I’ve been reading about the Intellio options and the MemBrain. I’m leaning towards the later. Recommendations, for price and performance?


4. And lastly (I hope). I put in-floor heat in the concrete ground floor — acid-etched, slab on grade — which runs on an off-peak electric micro-boiler. I’m planning on a ductless mini-split for the 2-4 weeks in summer we need the house closed and cooled, which will be mounted in the stairwell between ground and 2nd floor. It may also be used for back-up heat for the small woodstove I’ll eventually install. Mini-split model and size recommendations for this design?

Many thanks in advance for any observations/recommendations.

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  1. Brian P.||#1

    Is this all just a plan or have you actually started building...and if so, where in the process are you?

  2. Edward Krause||#2

    Brian, It is in process: Outside is finished. I've installed 80% of interior insulation. Thanks, Ed

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    问:“我一直在阅读更多关于智能汽室延迟器的信息。我的屋顶/吊顶计划胶带擦拭泡沫并运行翻盖和T + G Aspen天花板。这个系统将有一个障碍,而不是延迟器,正确?”

    A. The ceiling assembly you have described includes an interior vapor retarder that may be a vapor barrier (the rigid foam). You do not need a smart retarder in this location.

    For everything to work, you also need an interior air barrier. The interior air barrier can be the rigid foam, the drywall, or both. Make sure that you address the penetrations -- you want an airtight assembly if possible.


    A. Either one will work. I think that MemBrain is usually cheaper, but you'll need to do your own research on prices.




    “Installing a Heat-Recovery Ventilator”


    I also urge you to get some help to commission the system after you have installed it -- you need to verify air flow rates.

    问:“我在混凝土底板 - 酸蚀刻,级板上放入地板热量 - 在峰值电动微锅炉上运行。我计划在2-4的导管夏天几周我们需要房子关闭和冷却,这将在地面和二楼之间安装在楼梯间。“

    A. I think you will find that your upstairs is hot. If you are installing a minisplit for cooling, it really needs to be installed on the upper floor.

    Q. "It may also be used for back-up heat for the small woodstove I'll eventually install."


    -- Martin Holladay

  4. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    2x6 / R23墙不符合区域60的IRC 2015代码。IRC阐明R20腔填充+ R5连续绝缘或R13 + R10连续绝缘。看



    在结构护套外部的绝缘R5在R23腔填充的护套层上不是足够的露点控制。如果使用2x6框架,它至少需要r11.25。但是,外部的2x4 / R15墙体与R10上的R10略微击败码,以略微进行热性能,并且可以有足够的露点余量,足以您可以安全地跳过膜或Intello,只有标准乳胶涂料为内侧蒸汽延迟器。可能有几个平方英里的2英里的再生家和建筑物仓库在美国建造救生仓库,价格低于5/3的原始库存泡沫。它是完全标记的r-value是从r11到r13的任何地方因此,它将在R15 2x4墙上达到代码分钟,而是从一个阵容中的露点控制,在那个堆栈中的露天度控制中,它在冬季中期〜r10中达到它。你只需要2x4墙上的r7.5来跳过蒸汽R13墙上的延迟器,R10在R15上有很多余量。

  5. Edward Krause||#5

    谢谢你的链接和建议,马丁。I'll do some more reading about HRV's. It seems the Zehnder is an efficient and quiet machine, and I like their flex duct system, though I'm not sure we can afford the Mercedes. I was hoping one of the North American machines had risen to the top among builders of smaller homes in Northern climes... something quiet and efficient. Easy ducting would be great too. After a while all the options become mind-boggling. Won't someone do my homework for me?!

    Likewise with the mini-split(s). Those you who have specified mini-splits in regions with many sub-zero days and some hot humid summer days (we are in the woods and mostly in shade), which are the most versatile, efficient and trouble free?

    Dana, the walls are R23 in cavities with R12 Roxul Comfort Board on the exterior, rather than foam, which I've tried to use sparingly: under the slab, on frost walls and one layer of 2" foam in the cathedral roof assembly. The building is sided with cedar shingles over a 3/4" drainage/drying plane.

    Thanks very much,

  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#6

    You may want to read the comments posted on this recent Q&A thread. Although the discussion focused mostly on ERVs, it also touched on HRVs:ERV selection

    -- Martin Holladay

  7. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#7



  8. 斯蒂芬希海||#8

    Edward: Re: minisplits, our Fujitsu RLS3H units work very well. They have only been in use for two years, but no issues at all so far.

  9. Edward Krause||#9


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