在大教堂天花板上使用Intellow Plus创建连续的空中障碍

我在6区(彼得伯勒,安大略省)。我正在考虑仅在墙上安装Intello Plus。公司和经销商475的指示/视频也表示在天花板上用于木制框架房屋。不会这样妥协空中障碍?我正在改造一个非明确的山寨,在各方面安装roxwul katts和xps泡沫面板。它有一个未焕然的大教堂天花板,其原始表面,椽子和屋顶板,我正在考虑保持。我计划用3M 8064胶带在屋顶上贴上OSB护套的接缝,这可以是有效的空气屏障,并在3层交错层中安装9英寸的R5 /泡沫。我计划使用Intello的相关物品(胶带,垫圈)。据我所知,Intello膜不能从墙壁上继续到屋顶侧,因为我不是抬起屋顶框架。屋顶是金属,可见的紧固件类型,我计划重用。 Could Intello be used on the roof side, right next to the deck under the felt? Maybe not, since it should be preserved from punctures, as when installing battens to introduce a gap. I can borrow techniques from an example on the 475 page of using Intello plus with a liquid application, which would be messy for the exposed ceiling. Or I could install Intello and drywall over the spaces on the ceiling between the unpainted exposed rafters. Though drywall is not a permanent solution. – John
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