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乍得B| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


Our recently updated plan is described below. We plan to have the install done within the next week or two.

2.Can you look over the layers and see if you spot any other issues?

  1. 现有墙层(建造1986): Here is a grainy copy of theoriginal wall sections。From the inside, out: existing drywall, plastic vapor barrier, 2×4’s with fiberglass batt insulation, 1/2″Owens Corning“刚性多异氰泡酸酯箔面泡沫板”,R3.6, aluminum siding (which we will remove).
  2. Exterior layer 1: 3/8″Thermal 3Ht*, ~R1.5, applied over existing rigid foam insulation to provide sealing of all exterior walls and gaps. Seams joined by manufacturer recommended tape.
  3. 外层2:Tyvek *, water barrier. Seams joined by manufacturer recommended tape.

Exterior layer 3:Cedarmax绝缘乙烯基底座由普利亚州*, - R:2.4,厚度:.050,6“双倍。颜色:普埃布洛,铝制装饰件将定制弯曲,以适合窗户,角落等围绕窗户的2×3“装饰板。

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  1. 乍得B||#1

    - the Thermal 3HT has foil on both sides. I know the foil is unnecessary but our contractor said he can add that at no additional charge because he is a dealer. We could use Dow Styrofoam (no barrier) instead but it would cost us around $600-800 more. Specs:
    - 我们正在使用Tyvek和Foam支持壁板,因为它们被保险索赔所涵盖。

  2. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#2

    To translate for other readers, the Thermal 3HT is foil-faced EPS.

    You have a (barely) adequate amount of exterior rigid foam for your 2x4 wall in Climate Zone 5.


    1. Don't use insulated vinyl siding, since this type of siding doesn't drain as well or dry out as fast as ordinary vinyl siding. (One of the best features of ordinary vinyl siding is the built-in air gap -- something that you lose if you choose insulated vinyl siding with its integral rigid foam.)

    2.The multiple vapor barriers on the exterior of the wall aren't a problem, as long as these vapor barriers are associated with rigid foam of an adequate thickness (as they are in your case). However, the interior polyethylene isn't ideal.


    Many energy experts worry that it may not be a good idea to install exterior foam on a house with interior polyethylene. Although it would be better if the poly weren't there, the fact is that tens of thousands of Canadian homes with interior poly have been retrofitted with exterior rigid foam, and there haven't been any reports of widespread problems. According to building scientist John Straube, all indications show that these retrofits are "not so risky as most people think. These homes will probably be fine."


    如果有任何护套腐烂,确定原因 - 最常见的原因是闪烁的问题,但内部水分的凝结不是不可能的 - 如果可能的话,纠正问题。如果您不确定水分的来源,请聘请家庭表演承包商来帮助您解决神秘。

    如果你的护套是干燥的声音,我认为你不需要担心添加外部泡沫。添加Rainscreen Gap肯定会避免未来的水分问题。当然,当您安装新的WRB和Window闪烁时,很重要。在冬季合理的水平内保持内部相对湿度也很重要。永远不要使用加湿器。

    To summarize, here are four caveats:


    2.外墙是被删除时,检查existing sheathing carefully for any signs of water intrusion, and correct any flashing or housewrap problems.



  3. 乍得B||#3

    Martin, thank you again. This is very helpful. I plan to do most of what you explained. A couple of follow-ups...

    答:“不要使用绝缘乙烯基壁板” - 您的建议非常有意义。我们倾向于绝缘壁板,因为我们喜欢看起来,减少降噪(我们住在繁忙的街道附近),它是它的成本额外(我们的保险索赔)。您是否觉得排水问题仍然应该胜过所有这些专业人士?
    B.如果我们使用常规壁板,那么1''热3ht声音就像一个好主意?他们告诉我们1“是它们可以使用的最大宽度泡沫,与它们使用的铝制剪辑类型/ j沟道有关。
    C. "Install rainscreen strapping so that there is a ventilated gap between the new exterior foam and the siding". I would love to add strapping/furring strips under the siding but our installer said that would cost an additional $2000 (out of our budget). I may try to do it myself -- do you have an article on installing furring? Plus, I think we may run into the maximum wall depth issue with that as well. If I have to pick between more rigid foam and the ventilated gap, which is better?

    Thanks again!

  4. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#4


    If you take my advice and use regular vinyl siding, you'll save the $2,000 cost of the furring strips. Vinyl siding is naturally well ventilated and doesn't need furring strips.

    您可以使用1-inch-thick金属EPS如果你广域网t. It's a good choice. Several other types of rigid foam would also work, but the EPS is environmentally friendly, so go ahead and use it.



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