Mini Split and Range Hood
I have an odd scenario with my Daikin mini split heat pump. Here’s the setup: heat pump upstairs with 2 heads (one for each bedroom), large range hood on the main floor. The range hood is probably oversized but it does a fantastic job moving kitchen related smoke and odors out. The issue is when the range hood is running to makes the heat pump in one of the bedrooms run too. The heat pumps are actually always on and set to about 69 degrees, but he 69 degree setting does not seem to matter. When the range hood is on and the bedroom temperature is 75 it will still trigger the heat pump to run. This only seems to happen in heat mode. My guess is has something to do with the air draw or movement? Any ideas?
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One obvious possibility is that the biggest air leak in your house is in the bedroom. When you turn on that big honking fan in the kitchen, you depressurize the house, and cold air rushes into your house through leaks in the thermal envelope. This makes your house colder. Responding, your ductless minisplit cranks up.
I think Martin is right but the fan is pulling cold air in and across the temperature sensor for the mini split. The fan may not change the temperature of the room enough for you to feel but even a small draft near the mini splits sensor will make it run.
沃尔特,where should the air be coming from? Will it pull it through HRV ducting / intakes if the house is well sealed?
I agree with your analysis. All that is necessary for the minisplit to come on is a cold breeze near the temperature sensor at the air intake location.
An HRV is not a makeup air unit; it is designed for balanced operation (air in = air out). For more information on this issue, seeMakeup Air for Range Hoods.
感谢马丁。我读了那篇文章。幸运的是,我们正在玩一个小得多的射程引擎盖,仅为200 CFM。我们还向厨房有HRV排气管。是否有理由认为,对于低烹饪负荷,我们可以高高地运行HRV,以帮助清除房屋的气味和水分,而不是翻转引擎盖风扇?
这是您的房子,您可以以任何想要的方式操作房屋。如果操作HRV可以实现您想要的结果,而无需操作Range Hood粉丝,那么没有理由不做您想要的事情。
IMO the juice isn't worth the squeeze by altering how/when you use your range hood. Evacuating humidity and other substances related to cooking is significantly more important to occupant health rather than the couple of pennies spent in electricity when the minisplit turns on.
btw... 200 cfm range hood fan doesn't sound oversized by any stretch.
Betcha a nickel there is a ferocious air leak where the umbilical goes through the wall to the mini split
我不确定daikin单元,但是上周三菱安装人员告诉我,与上面的基思(Keith)相同的线 - 墙上的“脐带”或捆绑电线,凝管线和冷凝剂线的穿透力,是一个相当大的孔。具有讽刺意味的是,室内盒的温度传感器就在这种渗透的顶部。有理由认为,当射程风扇奔跑并通过裂缝拉出外部空气时,它会在脐带渗透周围拉动空气,并冷却温度传感器并呼吁加热。我建议在此位置检查空气密封细节。方便的房主似乎很容易做。