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Mold on inside of plywood sheathing

Aaron Saucier|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I recently purchased a super insulated house in the Concord, NH area. The house is 3 years old. From my investigation and discussions with the previous owner the wall system is double stud insulated with 3 layers of 3.5″ Roxul Comfortbatt. The sheathing is Huber Zipwall with taped joints. The siding is cement board clapboards nailed directly to the sheathing. The inside is drywall and I’m told gasketed at joints and electrical outlets. there is no interior vapor barrier and the paint appears to just be regular latex. We use the HRV and we keep it pretty dry in the winter, around 35-30% humidity, sometimes 25%.


After a long winded background, my question is: do I have a minor or major problem here? Do I need to rip the siding and sheathing off and put a rain screen on? or is a little bit of mold okay if the sheathing is drying out each summer and it’s sealed in by the drywall? No one in my family has complained about mold allergy reactions but it still makes me nervous. Thoughts?

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  1. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#1

    Sounds like construction moisture that is now gone. Post pictures, have someone check it out. Have the builder come by and see what he has to say.

    Where is the mold, north side a botom of walls?

    Tell us more and more pictures...


    Rain screens are great but that retrofit will be expensive as all get out. I would think tens of thousands of dollars.

  2. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#2

    You do not have plywood, it is OSB a better version of OSB... Actual plywood is a better product IMO than OSB which is the least expensive sheathing and why used. Zipwall is a great improvement of OSB. I still have concerns if it gets hit with moisture from and on the back side. The new idea is to place the sheathing in between insulation so it does not condense water out of moist air.


    Cement board siding might not be the best choice to apply over a build like yours. Expensive choice too. I wouldn't build what you bought.

  3. Richard Beyer||#3

    I see many holes in the story. For starters there's no mention of humidity measurements during the spring, summer and fall month's. Only winter.

    Mold is good, right? It helps you identify a problem.

    Your answer for a "properly" constructed "tested" double wall system may be right here....


  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    I agree with the other comments. We need more information.


  5. Aaron Saucier||#5

    Thanks everyone - I'll make get back into the wall and take some photos. Hopefully the mold is from the moist construction environment as I was told the house was dry-walled in late fall and not finished and moved into until March which means that it went through at least one winter with high indoor humidity.


    Another piece of info is that the previous owner told me the blower door came in around 1.25 ACH


  6. Richard Beyer||#6


    60%到70% rh很高,“我认为”马丁将agree.

    Surface Mold and Other Biological Growth

    The following conditions are necessary and sufficient for mold and other biological growth to occur on surfaces:

    mold spores must be present

  7. Aaron Saucier||#7

    Richard - thank you for the information. I understand why mold grows and I know why its on my sheathing. My concern is whether or not I have a BIG problem or a moderate problem. ie, should I plan on ripping out siding soon or simply keep an eye on things over the next couple of years. The responses regarding construction moisture make the most sense to me and hopefully that was the culprit. Especially given that the zipboard is dry right now at the end of the summer. Knowing that this is an issue, next summer I will make a point to run the AC or a dehumidifier a little more often (which pains me to waste the energy on)

  8. Aaron Saucier||#8

    Also - FYI my estimate of 60% to 70% was for the dead of summer. I would estimate that the typical humidity through spring and early summer and then fall averaged 50%. Currently, its 30-40% in my home and like I said, its 25% to 30% in the winter.

  9. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#9



    Your humidity is fine.

    Run your bath fans longer. Buy digital timer switches and get all to always use them. You have an HRV.... a bit different... use it on high for and after shower use.... Use it.



  10. Bob Irving||#10




  11. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#11


    Your advice is not quite right. While operating an HRV during the winter months will lower indoor humidity levels, it won't help during the summer.


  12. Bob Irving||#12

    高湿度比不不太常见的NH中部ar the coast, although we do get high humidity on occasion. If the house is conditioned by air source heat pumps (mini splits), they will reduce the humidity as part of either the cooling or drying modes.




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