Passivhausbarndominium in Minnesota
Hello everybody. First post — just signed up. Great site. I live 30 minutes north of the Twin Cities and I’m looking at building a passiv type haus. I’ve found the land I’m building on (10 acres) and have somewhat of a plan for the building.
Thanks again and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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It sounds like you are just beginning to think about green construction (since you have only a general question rather than a specific question).
For more information on the Passivhaus standard, you might want to read some of the articles listed onGBA's “landing page” on Passivhaus.
[给其他GBA读者的注意:如果您被“ Barndominium”一词迷住了 - 我是 - 您可能想阅读此维基百科文章。]。
My entire post just got deleted forgot to hit send!!! Been wanting to build green just recently looked into building green and want to get started this summer will be purchasing land once snow melts here in MN. I want the 50 ft side of the building to face n/s house side s garage part n with trees on the n and e ends with driveway/yard on the w and s ends. Radiant in floor heat entire slab and upstairs of house run by combi domestic/radiant hot water heater with ductless mini backup heat and a/c get large discount on elect with 2 heat sources. Think I've chosen Marvin ultimate casement windows. Barn will have steel siding/roof house part 20 ft walls garage 15 ft walls. Interested in double wall construction. Is the house orientation to the sun make sense? windows any good? heat/cool sound efficient or redundant? best/cheapest way to insulate the large cavities of the exterior wall? will steel siding be ok? I want to do as much of this project as i can myself any tips/tricks suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks much!
Q. "Radiant in floor heat entire slab and upstairs of house?"
A. If you build a good thermal envelope, your house will be comfortable with a much less expensive heat distribution system. Radiant in-floor heat is usually unnecessary in a well-built house.
A. Yes.
Q. "Windows any good?"
A. The brand of the window you choose is much less important than the glazing you specify.
A. Redundant.
Q. "Best/cheapest way to insulate the large cavities of the exterior wall?"
A. Talk to local insulation contractors. In most areas of the country, the answer will be dense-packed cellulose.
A. With any siding, careful installation details are more important than the siding choice.
Q. "Any tips/tricks suggestions?"
Can anybody recommend someone in the Minneapolis area who can basically give me the blueprint of what I need to do to get this place built? One person who does it all would be awesome. Thanks for the answers i appreciate it.
如果您真的想要一个Passivhaus - 并且有强有力的论点支持绿色建筑不必遵守Passivhaus标准的想法 - 那么您需要聘请一个被动的房屋顾问。
There are nine Passive House consultants in Minnesota:
Howard, Matthew — M.C.Howard Builders Corp., Two Harbors, MN
迈耶斯,肖恩 - 明尼苏达州圣保罗
安德森,马克 - 安德森建筑,明尼苏达州圣保罗
Bowman, Joe — Northfield, MN
霍尔特曼,布伦特 - 明尼阿波利斯市的科恩 +合伙人,明尼苏达州明尼苏达州
蒂姆,蒂姆 - 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市TE Studio Ltd.
书籍,珍妮弗(Jennifer) - 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)
Gates, Paul — Paul Gates Architect, Minneapolis, MN
Crenshaw, Josh — Morrissey Builders LLC, Minneapolis, MN
Has anyone worked with any these consultants? How much would it cost ballpark to get someone to basically tell how to do this from the ground up? I don't need to adhere to the Passivehaus standard just want to be close as I can without breaking the bank.