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PERSIST building method

David Mancuso|发布General Questions

我正在重新考虑使用obs face sips在5A气候区(纽约州罗切斯特)中进行墙/屋顶建设。建筑物的设计为1500平方英尺,受霜冻的板板 - 整体式浇注。棚屋,一层阁楼。

I am interested in the PERSIST building envelope method but am having trouble locating construction method details.

For instance:


2: What is best choice for exterior sheathing? Material? Thickness?


4: What is the best choice for the SBS membrane? Can the same product be used on the roof and wall sheathings?



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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    The classic PERSIST method doesn't use SIPs. For more information on PERSIST, seeGetting Insulation Out of Your Walls and Ceilings.

    Q. "What is the best choice for exterior insulation? How is it attached to exterior sheathing?"

    A. Those questions, and many others, are answered here:如何安装刚性泡沫护套.

    Q. "What is best choice for exterior sheathing? Material? Thickness?"

    A. That is a very basic question. If you are not sure of your sheathing material or thickness, you probably want to hire a builder, architect, designer, or engineer to help you.

    Most homes these days are sheathed with OSB that is at least 7/16 inch thick. However, plywood holds up better to occasional moisture than OSB, and is preferred by many builders. If your local building department allows its use, diagonal board sheathing is an excellent choice.

    Q. "Are there special considerations for plumbing vents and other penetrations (ductless mini-splits, direct-vent gas space heaters?)"


    Q. "What is the best choice for the SBS membrane? Can the same product be used on the roof and wall sheathings?"

    A. SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) is a type of roofing. You don't need to install SBS roofing on the sheathing of a PERSIST wall or roof. The classic material to use is a peel-and-stick rubberized asphalt membrane; the best-known brand is Grace Ice & Water Shield. If you choose this product, you can use it to cover the roof sheathing as well as the wall sheathing. The next layer to install on the exterior side of the rubberized asphalt is the rigid foam.


  2. David Mancuso||#2

    谢谢马丁....我知道坚持不懈地不使用sip。最初,我通过您提到的文章了解了有关持续存在的信息!我认为乔·洛(Joe L)的文章,完美的墙非常接近描述persst方法。我很高兴我发现了这篇文章,因为我几乎完全致力于sip。确实,我正在与持牌架构师合作,并将从当地建筑商那里获得合格的帮助。

    In the PERSIST method, the building envelope requires no eaves or overhangs, so vapor/water/air shield is simplified. I get that. My current building design (shed roof) calls for overhangs all around. I have read that I will need to construct the overhangs separately, apply the peel and stick, then attach the overhangs. Any thoughts there?

    Thank, as always.


  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    Q. "I have read that I will need to ... apply the peel and stick, then attach the overhangs. Any thoughts there?"

    答:我的文章,Getting Insulation Out of Your Walls and Ceilings, includes two detail drawings showing applied overhangs (soffits) designed to be installed after air sealing the crack between the wall sheathing and the roof sheathing.

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