Prosoco Cat 5 vs. peel-and-stick tape

For exterior OSB joints. Is it better to use the Prosoco Joint Filler caulk/compound or just use peel & stick tape? Which will last longer?
Prosoco is supposedly breathable so it allows moisture to dry. Any feedback in the field?
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Here are links to two articles I wrote on liquid-applied flashing products:
Liquid-Applied Flashing
A Backyard Test of Liquid-Applied Flashings
Here are links to two GBA articles on tapes:
Return to the Backyard Tape Test
Two Wingnuts Describe Their Backyard Tape Tests
Personally, I think the easiest approach to sealing OSB sheathing seams is to use a tape like Siga Wigluv, 3M All Weather Flashing tape, or Zip system tape. But other GBA readers may have a different opinion.