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I’m building a 2000 sqft bungalow with conditioned, semi finished basement. 9′ ceilings on both levelss, to a little below “pretty good house” standards. R70 attic, R30walls, R7 triple pane windows, R5 doors, R30 basement walls, and R16 subslab, aiming for excellent air tightness. Fully ducted ERV, ventless dryer, recirculating range hood, and the achillis heel, a wood burning fireplace, “sealed” combustion with outdoor air supply kit.

Heat load calcs came in at 22,000btu/hr for the whole house incl basement (-25*C outside, 22*C inside). Cooling load, incl latent came in at 26,500btu/hr (30*C outside, 24*C inside). The calcs are further broken down based on my “zoning”.

厨房/居住用餐:热量6800btu/hr,凉爽12500btu/hr:与12000 MITSU单头一起靠近冷却负荷(玻璃在夏天在这个房间里杀死我strategic trees for summertime shading, as i lost two 100′ tall giant ash trees to the asian beetle), I’ve got 3′ overhangs all the way around, but south-west is killer.
主(包括套间和2个壁橱):热量2900 BTU/HR,冷却4800btu/hr:与6000 Mitsu单头一起使用
卧室 +地下室浴室和地下室床:热量:5800btu/hr,凉爽6100btu // HR:与9000btu/hr ducted ducted mini一起使用(所有短跑步,单位,单位都会在地下室的地板上移交)
剩余的地下室:热量:6400 btu / hr 3300降温btu/hr: going with a 6000btu/hr mitsu single head (large mechanical storage area can just get spilled from adjacent rooms heat)


The only place i think i could potentially reduce capacity would be in the living room, and go with a 9K unit, with the understanding that on the 10 super hot days of the year, when the sun is beaming in through the unshaded south-west facing windows, that the room will get to be warmer than the set point, and the unit will be running full tilt, there will also be spare capacity from the other units to help balance out the load. This doesn’t really bother me that much, as during the summer, i really only like it cool for sleeping, and will have a separate unit for the bedrooms.

GBA Prime


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  1. 兰斯·彼得斯||#1




  2. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#2


  3. Jon R||#3



  4. Reid Baldwin||#4


  5. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#5


    您是否看到马丁的帖子总结了布鲁斯·哈雷(Bruce Harley)的迷你拆分技巧?//

  6. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#6


    Your kitchen/living/dining area has a cooling load of 12,500 BTU/hr, heating load of 6800 BTU/hr, which can probably be better served with the FH09 than the FH12, since it has a much lower modulation range on the low end (less than half that of the FH12), and will still cover your load at -25C. It's max cooling is 12,000 BTU/hr, which isn't a whole lot less than the 13,600 BTU/hr max of the FH12, and at your 6C cooling delta-T it will be able to deliver more than the AHRI tested 9000 BTU/hr. Your design heating load at -25C out/22C in is 6800 BTU/hr, which is about 145 BTU/hr for every degree below 22C. The minimum output of the FH12 is 3700 BTU/hr @ 47F (8C), but your load is only ~2000 BTU/hr at that temperature.
    这意味着,每当大约0C以上时,FH12将被迫骑自行车。但是,由于FH09的最低率为1600 bty/hr @ 8c,直到大约11c及更高时,它才会被迫骑自行车。每个加热季节的小时数量介于0C之间(FH12停止调节)和11C(FH09停止调节时),这将加起来,这将加起来舒适性和效率的差异。

    If the bedrooms MBR & ensuite are all on the same floor you might be better off with a 1-ton mini-ducted unit serving all. But without a floor plan it's hard to make better tuned recommendations.

  7. 安大略省的瑞安·马格拉德里·渥太华||#7


    我的HVAC承包商建议使用2区MultiSplit MXZ-2C20,其中6K FH09NA和9K KD09头,而不是每个“区域”的2个单个单元。原因是9K纤细的管道单元的最小额定温度为-15*c,我的设计温度为-25*c。有什么想法吗?似乎只有1个区域要求加热时,室外单元将严重过大。

    9K迷你管的HSPF为10.0,SEER 15.0热帽:10,900冷却帽:8100
    6K MINI的HSPF为13.5,SEER 33.5热帽:8700冷却帽:6000

    6K+9K多ZONE的HSPF为9.8,SEER 17.0,HEAT CAP 18400和冷却帽15000。
    This unit is more costly than the individual units listed above, and i worry about cycling for most of the winter.

    22500年的整个家庭热负荷几乎 *完全与6K掌握在主人中,生活在9k中,地下室6k。当然,9K迷你管将继续产生足够的额定能力,即使在-15*C下的额定容量以下,以弥补整个家庭负荷的理论缺失1500BTU ...

    文件格式 文件格式
  8. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#8

    Your worries are well founded- a multi-split solution would be a BAD idea here!

    多切片不会在FH06或KD09的最小输出能力附近的任何位置调整。MXZ-2C20NAHZ压缩机 @ +47F的最小输出为7400 BTU/HR,是FH06 @ 47F的最大输出的一半以上,超过4倍,超过4倍,是FH06在其自己的专用压缩机上的最小调制输出。这意味着几乎所有时间都将仅仅几乎所有的骑行(在相当快速的周期)中骑自行车。

    另外,请注意,以 +5F/-15C的速度,您不会从MXZ-2C20压缩机中获得超过22,000 BTU/HR,并且在-25C下的MXZ-2C20压缩机不会少于 +5F/-15C。(大概约有17,000 BTU/HR MAX @ -25C)

    单独的压缩机上的单个迷你切片将能够调制,并且最小调制将不会被怪异地超大于房间的负载。即使四个FH09的最小调制输出也为6400 btu/hr @ +47F,比2C20少于2C20,如果他们也骑自行车,您可以选择在肩膀季节中完全关闭单独的小型切片在肩部季节中,剩下的小型切片可以承受负载,从而进一步降低了最小调制范围。

    富士通的迷你管单元的输出为-20C。它们的最小调制 +47F为3100 BTU/HR(大致与一对FH09相同。)一对12rlFCD或18RLFCD将具有足够的全部负载能力。其中一个专门用于肩部季节中几乎没有负载的房间/区域(当它开始骑自行车太多时可以关闭)可能是一个更好的解决方案,即使未指定的-25C的容量是未指定的。

  9. 安大略省的瑞安·马格拉德里·渥太华||#9

    I think you are confirming my suspicions, that regardless of the rated capacity of the 9K ducted, whether its mitsubishi or fujitsu, the dedicated compressor for the slim duct unit + a dedicated compressor for the 6K would be more efficient on a day-to-day basis, while at design conditions i shouldn't suffer miserably, nothing that an extra blanket or a wall panel heater couldn't make up for.


  10. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#10

    Yes, they will all continue to deliver heat at well below the specified minimum operating temperature, as long as the compressor is still working. The capacity isn't specified at temperatures colder than that, but it doesn't suddenly stop.

    某些三菱H2I压缩机的设计目的是在降至-28C以下时实际停止,并在加热到-26C左右时自动重新启动,如果您的设计温度为-25c,这可能是一个重要的考虑因素。仔细阅读规格。在FH系列Minisplit submittlal片上的精美印刷品中,它读了:

    " ** System cuts out at -18º F (-28º C) to avoid thermistor error and automatically restarts at -14º F (-26º C). "


  11. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#11



  12. 安大略省的瑞安·马格拉德里·渥太华||#12

    Malcolm, i did not prepare the working set myself. I prepared the overall concept myself, and i had a designer take it to the next level and reconfirm code requirements (not much changed from my final drawings with regards to layout). To date its cost me 1750 in drafting (23 revisions!! Ocd of an engineer i guess) 400 liability and 800 structural engineer review..all canadian bucks.
    I used sketchup for first quick plans, then a chief architect to make it a bit more precise and do some renderings...then passed it off to designer.

    Closet..hah! Yes she gets the bigger closet and bathroom access...i had a detached garage..but we cut it out due to budget constraints.

  13. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#13


    我敢打赌,这看起来像是一个不错的房子。我拿起图纸,因为尺寸似乎有点古怪。如果我从计划中制定框架,我会发现很难。有些缺少(例如储藏室和粉末房的宽度);一个数字是难以辨认的,落在尺寸线上(例如25'-的餐厅尺寸?在现场布置盘子时 - 这可能是您不想要的。惯例是从大向内移动到小,但是窗户尺寸通常比外部更近。这是希望它可以防止问题进一步发展。祝您好运!

  14. 安大略省的瑞安·马格拉德里·渥太华||#14




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