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Chris Harper|发布了Mechanicals

我们正在建设一个小木屋CZ 6。这是一个海sonal cabin that will see limited winter use so while we do want a mini split that will heat the space we are not concerned if it ends up being undersized. There is so much free firewood in the area that the Forest Service and private land owners often burn huge slash piles in the winter just to get rid of it. I also have access to hundreds of board feet of free hickory cut-offs from a local cabinet shop. So we’ll have a wood burning stove regardless.

As I talk to local contractors it seems some are stuck on sizing the unit for heating and thinking the cooling functions will be good enough.


客舱640平方英尺,拥有大约6900立方英尺的内部空间。我们正在提出12,000或18,000 BTU迷你分裂的建议。如果我们确实在这两种尺寸之间的围栏之间,我想在两者之间做出受过教育的选择。

We are concerned about humidity control. I know there are mini splits with a drying modes but that aside I have a question about humidity control in cooling mode.

Specifically will more humidity be removed with a slightly smaller unit that will move more air across the coils or a slightly larger unit that will ramp down and move the air more slowly across the coils?


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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    The maximum cooling capacity of a cold-climate 1-ton is on the order of 13.5-14,000 BTU/hr at a interior-to-exterior temperature difference of 15F (80F inside, 95F outside is the test condition). That's likely to be on the order of twice the cooling capacity required.


    你应该看3/4茄奖,不是1-1.5罐。冷酷的气候3/4辅助仍然提供超过11,000 BTU / HR的冷却,您可能的峰值要求几乎肯定不到9,000 btu / hr(它是测试的标称调制率,即它测试的标称调制率)的第一层供应商你应该看一下三菱FH09NA,这会调制到富士通的9 rls3h的大约一半。富士通具有更低的低温容量,但两者都可以处理整个负荷降至+ 5F左右。

    Most mini-split can operate in a "dehumidify" mode, which maximizes the latent to sensible load ratio, but it still has to be running to provided that dehumidification. If your cooling load at the 1% condition is, say, 6500 BTU/hr, a the Fujistu would be cycling on/off most of the time, whereas the Mitsubishi 3/4 tonner would be running almost all the time.

  2. Brendan Albano||#2

    Have you considered a standalone dehumidifier if you are concerned about humidity? Having simple, discrete systems seems simpler than trying to do it all with one device. That way you can size the mini-split just right for your heating and cooling needs, and you can size your dehumidifier just right for your dehumidification needs, and you don't have to make any compromises trying to get the mini-split to do both.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3


    Typical cooling/floor area ratios for smaller houses even in the humid southeastern states with high latent loads and high 1% outside design temps are usually on the order of a ton per 1500' or a ton per 1000'. This house is 640', and most likely has a cooling load of about a half-ton. See Allison Bailes' compiled Manual-J cooling load ratios plotted against house size (most of those houses are in zones 1A to 3A):


    The absolute worst-case house in Bailes' graph had a load ratio of a ton per ~650' which means if THIS ~650' house were a barely insulated place with a lot of west facing glass in a Louisiana swamp it might actually need a full ton of cooling. But most 3/4 ton mini-splits can actually deliver a full 1-ton of cooling when running at maximum speed, so you're not really giving up much by going with a more appropriately sized 3/4 tonner.

    Most reasonably tight code-min houses will have heat loads under 15 BTU/hr per square foot of space at the 99% outside design temperature, maybe 20BTU/ft for very small houses. While there are many exceptions to prove the rule, that implies the 99% heat load of a 640' cabin will run somewhere around 10,000 BTU/hr, possibly less, but also probably not more than 13,000 BTU/hr. A cold climate 3/4 tonner will typically deliver 10,000 BTU/hr or more at 0F, and there's a wood stove to deal with anything colder, if needed. The Fujitsu's have a "Minimum Heat" mode to keep the place at 50F, and the Mitsubishi's can be be programmed to a 50F setpoint by using the "Smart Set" mode, if that's desired. (Most people would just drain the plumbing before winter and let it freeze.)

    If the mini-split is going to be a cooling-only type, pull the submittal sheets on any of the proposed units, and only pick those that modulate down to 2000 BTU/hr or less. Again, lower is better, independent of the max cooling. The 1-ton Mitsubishi MSY-GL12NA-U1 & MUY-GL12NA-U1 can throttle back to 1500 BTU/hr :

    但是,这系列中的3/4吨仪只能退出3,800 BTU / HR,使其在最大的冷却视角下更加“右尺寸”,因此申请不太理想的选择:

  4. Chris Harper||#4




    As far as outside design temperatures, the cabin is in the beginning of a canyon with strong orographic lift, or so I'm told. As I understand it this contributes to warmer winters and cooler summers. Or maybe the cooler summers are due to the 4400' elevation.

  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5

    Can you be at least a bit more specific about the location, to get a better handle on the latent vs. sensible load estimates? The nearest listed city in the Manual-J manual might be useful- the moisture levels won't be very far off, even if the temperature data is.

    A smaller/lower minimum modulation is the key factor, independent of the maximum capacity, as previously discussed. That pretty much rules out all 1.5 ton mini-splits, and most 1 ton minisplits. Pull the submittal sheets on the specific models of any proposals to make apples-to-apples comparisons, since the minimum & maximum modulated output are done at a standard set of conditions, and can differ quite a bit from the "nominal" capacity, which is the modulated level used for calculating seasonal efficiency.

    Cooling-only, or heat pump?

  6. Chris Harper||#6

    Cabin is located between Hill City and Keystone, South Dakota. If the nearest weather data is from Rapid City then I'm guessing data collection point is 1200' or so lower than our cabin.

    I would like the mini split to have a heat pump but am not concerned with it being able to meet all of our heating requirements. As mentioned earlier cabin will have a wood stove and the 100 square (850 cubic) foot mechanical/bathroom will have electric cove heaters.

  7. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#7

    Latent loads are low to negative in that location. Take a look at the dew point graph at the bottom of this page:

    The mean outdoor dew point even in JULY is a bit under 55F. With 55F dew point ventilation air at a comfortable & cool 75F indoor temp becomes 50% RH, so a mini-split running in "dehumidify: mode might even OVER-dry the place. Most of the time simply bumping up the ventilation rate would be able to bring the humidity under 50%RH, and outdoor dew points over 55F only happen when it'spretty hot out, at which point the AC would take care of it, even without resorting to dehumidify-mode.

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