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Vapour retarder – main floor ceiling behind the kneewall

Mill_house|发布General Questions

Climate zone 7 Canadian prairies, unvented unconditioned attic, cape cod
I’m gathering that any place I would think of adding 6 mil poly, I can add membrain smart vapour instead. How would you assemble the main floor ceiling behind the kneewall? (Here’s what I’m thinking of doing. From the main floor room working up into the attic behind kneewall: drywall, membrain or poly, mineral wool batts.) Membrain just seems so delicate.
Please note the attic side of the kneewall will have 3″ EPS type II rigid board insulation with mineral wool batts in 2×4 studs of kneewall.

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1


    For more information, see“隔离阁楼膝盖的两种方法。”

    如果您忽略我的建议,并在三角阁楼的地板上安装绝缘材料,则可以像任何阁楼地板一样隔热。您不需要地板绝缘下的聚乙烯或膜 - 只需注意气密(尤其是气势连续性),这将需要在所有地板托梁之间阻塞)。

  2. Mill_house||#2

    谢谢。After assessing my house, my budget and after reading and asking questions, I will be going with the traditional approach as outlined in the article you link to ie) I will be insulating the kneewall and the attic floor behind the kneewall.
    Two questions:
    1. There's a few pieces of duct work in the kneewall stud bays that heat/cool the upstairs. Because I will be installing 3" of EPS rigid foam on the attic side of the kneewall that will come into contact with the ducts, how should I prepare the ducts prior to mounting the foam? ie) i'm asking about shielding the foam from the hot/cold of the duct.
    2. Your recommendation of not installing a vapour retarder on the ceiling of main floor when it's demo'd - which in turn is the attic area on the second floor behind the kneewall - is not the answer I was expecting. Just to clarify, the walls on my main floor will have mineral wool batts in the stud bays, Membrain and drywall...but the ceiling won't have a vapour retarder, per your advice. (The ceiling will just be drywall and mineral wool batts.) Why smart vapour on walls but not on ceiling?

  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    You're making the wrong decision, especially if you have HVAC ducts in the attic. Whenever there are HVAC ducts in the attic, the right decision is to locate the insulation along the sloped roofline, so that the ducts are brought inside the home's conditioned space.


  4. Mill_house||#4



  5. Expert Member

    Since there's only two of them and they're small, you can probably insulate them individually. First, make sure they are well air-sealed at all seams and at the penetrations through the wall and attic floor. stuff your fluffy insulation around them to fill the wall cavity, then use a layer of 3" foam behind the ducts to isolate them from the attic. Since EPS is cheap, you might want to use two layers, extending out 6"-12" beyond the ducts to reduce edge-effects in the insulation.

    If you are insulating the stud cavities of the kneewalls with fluffy insulation, you also need to install a vapor permeable membrane or rigid air barrier layer on the back side to keep the cold air out of the fluffy insulation. The air barrier can go in front of or behind the EPS you're using to insulate your ducts.


  6. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#6


    That sounds like an HVAC duct to me -- either a supply duct or a return duct that is part of your space heating system.

    "HVAC" refers to any duct connected to a forced-air heating system or a forced-air cooling system. It also refers to ducts used for mechanical ventilation.

  7. Mill_house||#7


  8. Expert Member

    There is no problem putting EPS directly against the ducts. They don't get hot enough for any issues. Just make sure the ducts are airtight at seams and building penetrations before covering them up.

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