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Dean Sandbo|Posted in一般的问题on

help with ventilation strategy.


So i guess in this scenario I am a fan of supply ventilation.


Knowing my a/c will likely be oversized, and I have leaky fireplaces, I am leading toward an ultra air whole house venting dehumidifier attached to one of the high static pressure air handlers.

1. I think this strategy will help with the oversizing of the ac

For those who don’t like this strategy is it only because of the energy penalty of the whole house dehumidifier?

Thank you!

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    当您的壁炉不使用时,您需要提出一种策略来密封壁炉烟道。许多人使用烟囱气球orFireplace Plug

    Assuming you can limit air leakage through your home's thermal envelope, your ductless minisplits should do an adequate job of keeping your indoor relative humidity levels in a reasonable range, without incurring the expense of a whole-house dehumidifier.

    如果要安装仅供应通风系统,则可以。保持简单,使用100 CFM风扇和两到三个4英寸直径的管道,这些管道可在您认为需要新鲜空气的位置供应户外空气。用计时器控制风扇。

  2. Bennett G.||#2

    Another option to consider for your leaky dampers is a chimney top damper. I replaced an old, bent, leaky damper with a Lyemance. No brand affiliation. There are probably others. I liked that it was a positive seal and also kept out the rain. This was in a mild climate, so a little investigation might be in order in a colder climate with frozen precipitation.

  3. Andrew Bater||#3





  4. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#4

    Conventional air conditioners do poorly at dehumidifying when they are oversized. Minisplits do much better, because they can modulate--run at a lower level when that is what's needed, rather than cycling. Furthermore, if you have several, you can turn on only one and that one might not be oversized.


  5. Dean Sandbo||#5

    Thank you for the advice for the chimneys. Martin, so dedicated ducted supply only ventilation... I like that idea, because most likely going ductless in a large portion of the house. Can you help me find more specifics on how to pull that off without the benefit of ductwork and filtration that exists with a central fan strategy. How can I get filtration on that incoming air... and any recommendations on a fan?

  6. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#6

    You want an inline filter box. You can purchase one on the web if you can't find a local source. Here is a link to give you an idea of what a filter box looks like:内联过滤框

    您需要一个供应风扇大小来满足您的通风要求。有很多供应商;一个是幻想。这是一个链接,可以让您思考可用的内容:Fantech inline fans





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