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Michael Tucker|Posted in一般的问题on

We have a house with a large addition that at one point had a gunite pool installed in it. Subsequent owners decommissioned the pool and had a floor built over it and appear to have been planning to use the space as a master bedroom. We would like to make the large room our kitchen/living/dining area but what to do with the pool is the first big issue to work through. There is always a small amount of water in the deep end around a drain that someone appears to have tried to seal. I suspect hydrostatic pressure, but I’m not positive. I wet-vac’d all the water out one day and checked some days later and the water was back. The amount seems fairly constant. Meanwhile, I’m planning to replace all interior insulation in the room and add exterior insulation and siding, hopefully for a pretty airtight enclosure. I’ve had a few suggestions including putting in a sump pump, adding more concrete to the deep end to seal it, and of course, filling the dang thing in. I would love to avoid filling it in if at all possible not to save the pool but to save money. The pool is sound and clean other than the puddle and it could have storage potential (or a panic room as many have suggested!). Any ideas for a practical way to keep the water out and remove the moisture problem that doesn’t require a total fill-in? Zone: 5A

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  1. 汤姆·梅||#1


  2. Michael Tucker||#2

    谢谢for the idea. One issue is that the drain was already “sealed” with some sort of cement-like compound. See photo, which I just took after removing the water again. Looks like it was meant to be a permanent fix. Guess I could try adding another layer.

    1. Tyler Keniston||#3

      You may be better off cleaning out what there and setting some hydraulic cement or other sealant deeper in the hole, rather than a skim seal.

      It seems like investigating where the drain leads would provide some clues. Tough to tell what's going on from on-line. If it seems to be ground water, perhaps treat it as a basement with similar water entry remedies used for basements.

    2. 汤姆·梅||#5

      If you can, try to monitor the area to see if that is where the water is truly coming from. If it is, break out the old concrete to see what you are dealing with, then either a mechanical plug or hydraulic cement as Tyler mentioned.

      1. Michael Tucker||#7

        I'm not in a huge rush with this project, so I like the idea of doing some more investigation as you and Tyler are suggesting. I'll report back.

  3. 马特f||#4

    The safest option would be to fill it, pour a slab and move on from there as a normal assembly.




    A vapor barrier is also good to have below or above the concrete, I don’t know much about how a pool is constructed.

    How has the current assembly done so far? I would start monitoring dew point and temp.

    Depending on the existing setup and your energy, comfort, and resiliency goals, filling it may make a lot of sense.

    The real answer is, tear the floor out, skate the pool and put the kitchen elsewhere.

    1. Michael Tucker||#8

      谢谢,马特(Matt) - 这是第一次提出了一些滑板场。我将其添加到列表中。

      I took some pics of the floor assembly, attached. It is not a flying floor but 2x12s connected to joist hangers connected to 2x12 ledger board, with an additional run of PT wood between that and the concrete. An AdvanTech subfloor sits on the joists.

      Apart from the persistent puddle in the deep end, I haven't noticed any other issue with the pool structure itself such as cracks.


      1. 马特f||#11

        Interesting, I hadn't anticipated that the floor was installed with the pool. Was this assembly originally inspected? If it was, check what the your building file to see how they justified it. I would think this needs engineering sign off.

        I don't know much about pool construction, but the original intent of pool structure was not to have a floor installed there. Gunnite is apparently stronger than standard concrete, but he shape of the wall isn't ideal for a footing.

        1. 斯科特·维德勒(Scott Vidler)||#13

          以前我们的房子主人给我留下2现状tes for work to put a floor over the pool. The plan was to raise the floor as the pool room is 12" lower than the main house. 1 quote was to place joists over the pool (and whole room) without any other supporting structure so the joists would be sitting on the concrete slab of the room. The 2nd company was going to put sono tube supports through the slab and hang a steel beam across the length of the pool and then hang floor joists from it. So it appears that the 2nd company was thinking that the slab shouldn't carry the weight of the floor.

  4. 斯科特·维德勒(Scott Vidler)||#6

    Hi Michael - so interesting to see your question as we are up against somewhat of the same challenge. We have recently purchased a house with a 1200 sq ft wing that had an indoor pool that has been "decommissioned" in the broadest sense of the word. The previous owner started to fill it in with sand. Ours was a vinyl pool. We have to figure out what to do to complete the process and prepare the room for future use or as the real estate agent said "just tear it down as it's a liability not an asset in it's current state". I sure would like to private message you to discuss or commiserate going forward. I can't find out much on the web on what to do. Scott

    1. Michael Tucker||#9


      1. 马特f||#10

        Their forum software doesn't support PMs. Might be best to direct each other to another forum with PM's or ask one of the editors to help you out.

        1. 斯科特·维德勒(Scott Vidler)||#12

          谢谢马特 - 下周我会与编辑联系。这是加拿大的感恩节周末,所以忙于烹饪火鸡!
          迈克尔 - 我也在参加为期10天的审判,所以我们必须尽快弄清楚。只是为了娱乐,这是我们“池”的当前状态!

      2. 斯科特·维德勒(Scott Vidler)||#14

        迈克尔 - 我没有看到任何简单的方法来私下发布我们的电子邮件地址。我确实有一个LinkedIn个人资料,如果您也在那里,您可以通过它来搜索我。我没有其他社交媒体帐户,但是我的女儿说,如果您有FB,她也许可以在那里搜索您。
        Sorry to the other members who are getting pinged on this while we sort it out.

        1. 斯科特·维德勒(Scott Vidler)||#15


          1. Michael Tucker||#16

            Hey, Scott, I think I found you. Check at LinkedIn.

  5. kornhusker||#17


    1. Eauboy||#18

      Hi Kornhusker - Scott here. Not much has happened on my end but I'm getting ready to move forward. I'm very interested to find out why your joists rotted.
      This forum does not provide for private messages so we didn't exchange emails here but found each other on LinkedIn and did there. If you have it you can search for me (Scott Vidler- EMS Support Engineer) there and we can exchange emails addresses.
      Look forward to hearing from you.

    2. Eauboy||#19


  6. hunterguy||#20


    I think the obvious solution is to fill it in, but I have had a hard time finding details on how to properly do that. The wooden floors is an interesting solution because you could rip those out if a future owner actually wanted the pool.

    很想在类似情况下与这里的任何人建立联系!似乎LinkedIn是找到人的好方法。.您可以在李的Hunter Browning-Smith上找到我




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