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Barking up the wrong tree.关于新建筑码如何影响能源使用的报告的作者应该集中在天然气,而不是电力。
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Steven Nadel是美国节能经济委员会执行主任。这篇文章最初出现在Aceee博客. GBA发布了新闻故事关于1月份的原始研究。

Aceee是一个强大的支持者分析能源效率计划,以便看到他们所取得的成就并学习课程,所以我们可以做得更好。因此,我们审查了兴趣建筑能量码确实节省多少能量?来自加利福尼亚的证据by Arik Levinson.

In this paper Levinson conducts several analyses and concludes that “there is no evidence that homes constructed since California instituted its building energy codes use less electricity today than homes built before the codes came into effect.”




Levinson is examining California, so we should start by looking at how California heats and cools its buildings and water. The California Energy Commission had a consultant prepare a report looking at residential appliance saturations in 2009. They found that 93 percent of California homes are heated with gas and only 5 percent are heated with electricity. Likewise they found that 87 percent of homes have gas water heating and only 7 percent use electricity for water heating. Central air conditioners are used in 49 percent of homes, with an additional 15 percent using room air conditioners.

California added a limited lighting provision to its 2008 residential code, but the savings are too recent and too small to show up in a long-term analysis.


California’s mild climate is a factor


Furthermore, a majority of the savings in air conditioning energy use is probably due to air conditioner efficiency standards that also apply to replacement equipment in existing homes. Since Levinson is comparing new and existing homes, of the 3 percent savings mentioned above, perhaps 2 percent are also being achieved in his comparison group of existing homes.


In addition, it should be noted that the rising saturation of electronic gadgets in U.S. homes may be affecting new home energy use, a factor Levinson does not examine but that perhaps explains some of the increasing energy use he found in new homes.

Study should focus on natural gas

A good analysis of the impact of California’s building codes should focus on natural gas use. Levinson does do one analysis of natural gas use, finding that homes built since California’s building energy code began use less natural gas than earlier homes.

However he then dismisses this finding since the trend started before the building codes took effect. He presents no evidence that prior trends would have continued, and therefore his claim that building codes had no effect is speculation.

Finally, if the objective is to examine all building codes and not just some codes, then it’s also important to look at commercial buildings. According to an analysis by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, nationwide about 69 percent of building code savings in 2012 were in the commercial sector and only 31 percent in the residential sector.


Bottom line: Levinson is on the wrong path if he’s trying to see the impacts of building codes. If he wants to see the forest — the impacts of codes or their absence — he needs to understand the trees. He needs to look where the impacts are supposed to be, and in California this means residential natural gas and commercial building electricity use.

One Comment

  1. Antonio Oliver||#1

    Interesting retake...

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