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Education Center Wins 2013 Net-Zero Prize


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A new education center在NESEA 2013年零净能源建筑奖的获胜者Boothbay的沿海缅因州植物园中,包括45 kW的光伏系统和各种能源持续的功能。
图片来源:罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson) - 罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson)摄影
A new education center在NESEA 2013年零净能源建筑奖的获胜者Boothbay的沿海缅因州植物园中,包括45 kW的光伏系统和各种能源持续的功能。
图片来源:罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson) - 罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson)摄影
图片来源:罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson) - 罗伯特·本森(Robert Benson)摄影
2013年零净能源建筑奖的获得者在波士顿的建筑能源13会议上获得了荣誉。[图片来源:Matthew Cavanaugh]
Image Credit: Matthew Cavanaugh

An 8,200-sq. ft. education center at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens has won the 2013 Zero Net Energy Building Award from the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA).

这Bosarge Family Education Center was designed by Maclay Architects of Waitsfield, Vermont, and Scott Simon Architects of Portland, Maine. The center was built by Bensonwood of Walpole, New Hampshire. Andy Shapiro of Energy Balance was the energy consultant and Thornton Tomasetti of Portland, Maine, was the LEED consultant.

“Not only did this northernmost building achieve net zero energy in a challenging climate with the most heating degree days, it was also pre-assembled primarily off-site,” NESEA said在宣布该奖项时。“该建筑物令人印象深刻的气密水平证明了建筑商,沃尔波尔的本森伍德,新罕布什尔州,设计团队和过程。它还给该行业带来了巨大的希望,该行业主要依赖于定制,现场建造且资源丰富的结构,以达到这样的能源绩效水平。”

In addition to delivering high performance, NESEA said the center also is a “beautifully designed, natural light-filled building that echoed rural Maine forms in a crisp, warm and contemporary way.”

植物园位于缅因州Mid Coast地区的Boothbay。

该中心有一个45 kW的光伏系统

Features of note:

  • Above grade walls insulated to R-40 with dense-pack cellulose in an 11 7/8-in. I-joist cavity.
  • 16英寸R-60的屋顶纤维素绝缘。深i-to-to-to-to。
  • Nanogel-filled and triple-glazed skylights.
  • A Mitsubishi air-source heat pump for heating and cooling.
  • A total of 237 photovoltaic panels, 135 on the roof and another 102 on the ground, with a total rated capacity of 45 kW. Estimated annual output is 47 kWh.
  • 高效率照明。



  1. 专家成员

    因此,换句话说,一个有R40墙,R60屋顶,三层玻璃窗和高效率照明的教育中心需要45kW的系统,以教育PV Salesman如何向房主进行PV销售?奖励和$ 10K?
    Maybe they need to share it with the people in KS to educate them in Sustainability!!!

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Response to Armando Cobo
    Maybe I'm being dense, but I'm not sure I get your point. Are you saying that a 45-kW PV system seems to be excessive to meet the needs of an 8,200-square-foot education center?

  3. 专家成员

    Big time excessive

  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    Response to Armando Cobo
    First of all, I doubt that you know the types of educational displays or educational equipment included in the building. (I don't.) So it's hard to judge its energy consumption by comparing it to a house.

    Second, Maine gets about half the insolation per square foot that New Mexico or Arizona does.

    这是有关Bosarge家庭教育中心的更多信息:“由Maclay Architects和Energy Balance的Andy Shapiro设计的这个超高效的建筑信封可从代码中降低50%的构建能源使用情况,并导致建模的能量强度的模型强度19
    kbtu/sf-yr。平均而言,LEED白金结构可降低建筑能源的使用率30%。安装了45 kW的PV阵列,以提供运行建筑物所需的能量的100%。”

  5. 专家成员

    Beyond Ecar chargers and extra credits, I should have included additional equipment, displays, pools & Jacuzzis, welders, 50 plasma TVs; yet still, NM Solar Radiation averages 6.0 kWh/m2/day and Maine is 4.5 kWh/m2/day or 75% of NM. IMHO, that tells me, a. their building enclosure is not as tight, b. they do have a lot of displays and stuff or c. oversized (leaning to)




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