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Building Science


房屋建筑外壳的质量可以甲型肝炎e a big effect on heating with a heat pump

Gary Nelson站在他管道的MiniSplit热泵前面in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Because of the heat pump capacity and the efficiency of his building enclosure, his balance point is below zero degrees Fahrenheit. [Photo credit: Energy Vanguard]



Now we’re ready to take it further.


One way to change the balance point is to move the heat pump capacity on the graph. Likewise, we could change the other part of the graph, the heating load, to get a different balance point (assuming we don’t make a compensating change in equipment size). If you have an existing home and want make it more comfortable and energy-efficient by doing some air sealing and insulating, the house won’t need as much heat. The house in our example initially had a heating load of about 15,000 BTU/hr. Let’s say we add some insulation, make it more airtight, and seal the ducts. Now the load drops to about 10,000 BTU/hr, and we use that as our design temperature heating load point on the graph.


Here’s what the graph looks like now.

经过making a house more energy efficient, the heating load goes down and so does the heat pump balance point. (Image by Energy Vanguard)
经过making a house more energy-efficient, the heating load goes down — and so does the heat pump balance point. (Image by Energy Vanguard)

The blue line is the capacity of the 1.5 ton heat pump, same as in the first graph, theone in the other article。But now the orange line is lower, and the two intersect at 17°F now instead of 25°F. So we’ve dropped the balance point 8 F° by making the home more efficient.

This home now has a balance point right at the design temperature. That means it doesn’t need any supplemental heat.

The downside of lowering the balance point




Allison Bailesof Decatur, Georgia, is a speaker, writer, building science consultant, and the author of theEnergy Vanguard Blog。You can follow him on Twitter at@energyvanguard.


  1. 桑德拉林恩||#1


    1. Stephen Sheehy||#2

      We shut our minisplits off in April and don't turn them on until we get a few super hot days in summer, if we use them at all until Fall. I don't think it hurts anything to shut them off.

      1. 桑德拉林恩||#3





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