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Green Building Blog

How Deep Is Your Footprint?


图片信用:©Stanod |

In my house we’ve been talking a lot lately about consumption—more specifically, about the relationship between consumption and our carbon footprint. In the green-building world, when we talk about a footprint, it’s usually related to building design. But Ray Cole at the University of British Columbia and Don Fugler at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)除其他人之外,指出,个人或家庭的碳足迹不仅包括家庭的运作,还包括几种额外的元素:个人运输,耗材(食品,服装,家庭维护用品,药店物品等。),假期和耐用的商品。




I confess, more for economic reasons than as a matter of virtue, that I’ve greatly curtailed my clothing purchases over the past year. I’m also working on cutting back my consumption of other goods; food, too, especially white foods (white flour, white sugar, white rice, white pasta).

My guilty pleasure is catalogs, which feed my aesthete’s lust for beautiful things. I’m working on getting off catalog mailing lists so that I’m not tempted as often. (You can, too, And I’m promptly recycling the catalogs that do come in.

Where am I going with this? I know this blog is supposed to be about design, but those of us who are designers design more than homes; we design processes and lifestyles, starting with our own. Every aspect of life is a design project in progress. I’m working to lighten my footprint, by design.

Check resources to help lighten yours.


  1. Brent Eubanks||#1

    urban life
    We moved from rural Sonoma County to the urban East Bay area, which enabled us to sell one of our cars, and keep the other one parked most of the time.

    We were lucky enough to be able to rent a house with a yard, so we're still able to garden. Mostly it's fun, probably not offsetting our foodprint much. But we grow all our salad and cooking herbs, which are high footprint items from the grocery store (due to cleaning, packaging, and refrigerated transport), and we're also raising some meat rabbits.

  2. 杰米狼||#2

    What's your number?
    我一直在看扫罗格里菲斯在几次和几个地方(网络的奇迹)中,他的介绍了解气候变化和他的足迹。我认为他真的很精细地奠定了这一切,他通过简单地询问 - 选择气候模型和全球温度的预计上升,这种模型对你感觉有权,然后回到我们的位置需要接受我们的公平份额来实现这一目标。


    * Eat less and more healthy
    * Spend more time with my family
    * Live closer together
    * Spend less time commuting
    * Less business travel
    * Having higher quality, better designed products
    * Breathe cleaner air
    * Drink cleaner water

    He has also set up - an attempt to use crowdsourcing to develop carbon footprint benchmarks and user data.

    Like Marc Rosenbaum likes to say: Think clearly, then act

  3. Katy Hollbacher||#3

    Broken link FYI
    Nice article, Ann--I like your analogies. Just an FYI that the hidden URL for the link has a typo (an extra "c") so actually links you to catalogchoice.corg.


  4. GBA Editor

    We've fixed the broken link — thanks for pointing out the problem.

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