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My 9th Commandment: Weak Plans & Specs = Weak Project

有没有准客户要求您在您的第一次销售电话中“他们不会抱住您”的房屋中的球场价格?即使他们向您展示了项目或房屋的计划视图,没有高程?也许他们有高程但没有工程?也许他们没有做出任何选择,而只是说他们只想“像其他不太昂贵的人一样正常,漂亮的固定装置”?您知道 - 只是对每平方英尺多少的一个大概。他们想要浴室中的普通瓷砖,但不知道陶瓷,瓷器和天然石头之间的区别。

My favorite green versions include, “I don’t care what it costs, I just want off the grid!” and “We want to harvest all our rainwater and store it on site” and “I want a concrete house no matter what it costs!” And away we go, good order-takers running back to our spreadsheets, pricing away just like the clients ask. The worst part is that the clients turn down our prices and go with someone else. But aren’t we worse off if the clients accept our proposal and pricing and we have to build the project or home with less than fully informed clients?

关键是 - 我一直在提醒我们的总监 - 我们的大多数客户都不愚蠢。他们无知。这并不意味着敲响。这只是意味着,尽管他们可能是非常聪明的人,但大多数人根本没有建造和改建方面的经验或专业知识 - 高性能的绿色房屋或其他方式。因此,对我们而言,对他们进行教育,以了解与不完整,不准确或不适当的图纸,规格和选择相关的陷阱。

我们必须向他们强调,在项目完成之前需要做出数百个决定 - 做出这些决定越早,我们控制成本并保护其预算(以及我们的利润)的机会就越大。在理想的世界中,所有决策都将在绘画完成之前做出,甚至开始施工。这意味着在定价最终确定之前,设计(建筑师,工程师,设计师)和建筑物(建筑商,改建器,专业承包商)专业人员与客户合作将对蓝图,选择和所有规格进行审查并进行更改。

Say what you will, and knock the LEED for Homes Program or the NGBS all you want, but I have now participated in dozens of charettes with these programs and experienced firsthand how well they work. And they work to the betterment of the project goals and the client budget each and every time!

It is, in fact, our responsibility as design and building professionals to teach clients why allowances are dangerous, how expensive getting off the grid can be, the pros and cons of ceramic, porcelain and natural stone, so on and so forth. We must force decision making regarding design, specifications, and selections earlier in the design process — because incomplete, inaccurate, or inappropriate design, specifications, or selections will only cost us and our clients time and money working out these details in the field when they should have been resolved before construction ever began.

My 9th Commandment: Weak Plans & Specs = Weak Project!


  1. GBA编辑
    Allison A. Bailes III, PhD||#1

    So true!
    很棒的建议,迈克尔。在建造了一所房屋,该房屋在前端没有做出足够的决定,我可以证明在建筑过程中造成的放缓,成本超支和痛苦。而且不仅仅是影响processof building, some of those decisions made on the fly will affect the owners' happiness in the home and how well the home performs.

  2. Armando Cobo||#2

    Green Building design
    大多数客户总是为最便宜的设计师或建筑师购物,这是没有绿色建筑经验或认证的一位;但是,戈利(Golly)通过不雇用有能力的设计师或建筑师来节省了每平方英尺的$ 1或$ 2或更多的计划,但他们支付了数千美元的建设成本。我有客户告诉我,他们宁愿在前门上花费$ 5K,而不是让工程师设计正确的基础或HVAC系统。我们的建筑过程被搞砸了,从规范到计划开发再到Charrettes;然后我们想知道为什么有这么多的建筑故障。

  3. 5C8rvfuWev||#3

    So what do you recommend ....
    迈克尔·斯特朗(Michael Strong)的立场提醒我们,无论我们的工作是什么,我们都必须牢记价值观和优先事项。

    因此,当某人(像我这样的人)是无知而不是愚蠢的(我希望)以希望和梦想出现并问“多少?”时,您会推荐什么?顺便说一句,假设我真的不愚蠢,这个问题的翻译更为有用 - “我有足够的$$$建造一个反映我的优先事项和价值观的房屋吗?”

    I get the same question in my own work, by the way, so I do sympathize.
    Joe W

  4. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#4



    A good designer/architect should have experience designing energy efficient, high performing and environmentally healthy homes. You need to ask how many homes has he/she certified to a recognized national green building program; believe me, until one goes through a certification process of a house, there is a lot to be learned.
    A good designer/architect should provide assistance with the PE to design the foundation (if needed), the truss company, the ME to design the HVAC, the HERS rater, and run charrettes… Short of all that, you are short changed and cutting corners at step one of building a good house. Best of all, in most cases, clients save money and minimize construction delays and headaches.

  5. Daniel Morrison||#5

    Budget vs. cost

    部分原因是理解权衡 - “我们是在谈论胶合板和油漆,还是桃花心木和黄铜?”


    Also, read our article onIntegrated Design对于该过程的概述。

  6. 狄娜·利马||#6

    Great reminder Michael! I agree with Armando that people spend more time researching for their next HDTV or BMW then looking for a knowledgeable builder with a track record that they know what they're doing. Yes, it all begins with the design.


  7. 迈克尔·斯特朗||#7




  8. RLTarch||#8

    设计和施工问题最终都源于所有者和建筑师之间的期望差异,或者和建筑商...迈克尔与这篇文章有关,您为投标人和建筑商准备的文档质量直接相关房屋的质量 - 以及您在其中体验的生活质量!


    Same for the top-quality builder you'll eventually hire...make certain the plans and specs are prepared to clearly communicate the design intent.

    Managing all this is what Architects are supposed to do!

  9. Robert Swinburne||#9


  10. 迈克尔·斯特朗||#10

    你知道罗伯特,你实际上拥有建筑师more "control" than the builder on any given project. While ultimately the client has the most control-that is they control the purse strings, if you look at the specific points to be earned on the path toward certification (LEED or NGBS) the builder only has complete control over a minute portion of the checklist (primarily construction waste and site management points). The remaining points to be earned toward certification are either architect or client controlled.

    That is not to say we can't influence the architect or client-after all the whole point of the charettes is to get the building team involved in pre-construction decision-making, but if you divide up the lists and assign responsibility to architect, builder, verifier and client the architect can affect more control over the certification than any other party second only to the client.

  11. Brian O'Hanlon||#11


    My tutor in college told me a while ago, that in Europe we have a discipline known as cost planning which is rather well developed here. And it aims to achieve many of the things which VE aim to do in the US. But even between Ireland and the United Kingdom, there are differences in how we conduct cost planning. In Ireland, the final measurement of quantities is done across to the national elements. The national elements list, is the basis for cost planning exercises - so that a roof from several other completed projects can be used as a template for a price, for your current proposed project.

    What I mean is, the final measurement of quantities for the Contract sum is not broken up into trades in Ireland. The reason for that, is to allow the design process to remain flexible right up until the final Contract sum is agreed with a Contractor. In the United Kingdom, they measure all of their final quantities in sections, which are basically different trades. That system has the advantage, that it enables the Contractor to sub-divide his project out into packages to go to his subcontractors very easily. Because the quantities have already been separated into trades. But it has the disadvantage, that the design must be finalised much earlier.

    IE。The designer has to stop tweaking the various elemental costs at an earlier stage, and begin to break his/her design down into the trade groups for tendering. Of course, in the United States, there is no such thing as quantities measurement professionals like here in Europe. In the US, the measurement services are bought in, by the design consultant - be it an engineer or architect. And then sometimes, the employer employs a VE consultant, who offers the project out to an impromtu design team, assembled for a short period to look at it, and value engineer it.



  12. Brian O'Hanlon||#12

    Something else misc
    您可能会发现迈克尔(Michael)的兴趣 - 直接来自钢铁行业的来源 - 这些人对质量控制的看法。

    只是一个曲线球我扔你,另一个point of view maybe.

  13. Brian O'Hanlon||#13

    Design Build and reducing cost.

    Len Tsupros和Robert Anderson,P.E。
    Design-build collaboration saves tons of steel and cash.




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