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Green Building Blog

New Advisors on the GBA Team

Three new faces on the masthead. Three familiar contributors to GBA.

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Chris Brileyruns Green Desiogn Studio in Yarmouth, Maine. His website is
Chris Brileyruns Green Desiogn Studio in Yarmouth, Maine. His website is Phil Kaplanruns Kaplan Thompson Architects in Portland, Maine. His website is Allison Bailesruns Energy Vanguard, a home performance company in Decatur, Georgia. His website is

Chris Briley
andPhil Kaplan
are architects in southern Maine. They are smart, talented, funny, and they are go-getters. Chris and Phil began podcasting a couple of years ago on iTunes. One of our contributing editors, Scott Gibson, pointed them out to us, and we asked them to podcast on GBA.

Yes, at first we were skeptical about a couple of architects talking about building science, but these guys get it. They also have great guests, pick timely topics, and are excellent cocktail-mixers. And for that, GBA is pleased to announce their addition to the masthead as contributing editors.

Allison Bailes
is a blogger with a PhD. His experience as a high school teacher and university physics professor serve him well in describing building science issues to regular folks like me. But writing 300+ articles in two years for his Energy Vanguard blog is not his day job — being an Energy Vanguard is. Allison is a building science trainer, speaker, writer, and consultant. His company, Energy Vanguard designs mechanical systems and is a HERS proivider.

Allison, located in Decatur, Georgia, joins two others on the climate zone 3 section of the masthead — Michael Chandler (a builder) and the inimitable Carl Seville (a former remodeler, current consultant, and curmudgeon). We are very happy to finally have an HVAC guy on our team.

正如我告诉克里斯,菲尔,艾莉森,being on the masthead means is that you promise to answer the phone if you see us on caller ID. But really it means being incessant in your enthusiasm for promoting better design, remodeling, and building.

You can listen to all three of them chat on Chris and Phil’s_Green Architects’ Lounge_ podcast
, where Allison broke the news to Chris and Phil that had been ‘made.’

Please welcome these guys to the GBA Team.


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