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A building boom in China has sparked interest in the climate-specific standard of the Passive House Institute U.S.The organization's executive director, Katrin Klingenberg, was invited to speak at a recent Passive House conference in Shanghai.
Image Credit: Photo: Courtesy of Katrin Klingenberg


In light of the immense amount of development currently taking place in China, with whole cities springing up practically overnight and a huge stock of existing buildings in need of energy efficiency upgrades, China’s interest in the passive building work being done in the U.S. is significant.




As I arrived in Shanghai a few weeks ago, my first impression on the way into downtown was “Wow, this is a really big place.” In fact, it is the largest “city proper” in the world. Shanghai consists of a conglomeration of countless high-rise residential subdivisions that emerge soon after leaving the airport and continue to expand along the hour-long ride into downtown.

The implications of building on this scale came into focus again later that evening as I was at the hotel battling the jet lag of an 11-hour time difference following a 14-hour flight, when I heard the breaking news: the UN had just announced that 2016 is the first year on record that CO2 levels in the atmosphere not only hit 400 parts per million, but that those levels have been sustained on average throughout the entire year. Needless to say, this is a threshold with serious consequences that will take a long time to reverse — and as you know, much of that CO2 comes from operating buildings.

China is a big country, approximately the geographic size of the U.S., and it has a significant diversity of climates, many of them very similar to those in the U.S. As such, and with well over four times the population of the U.S., the country’s building community shows great interest in PHIUS’ climate-specific passive building standards.

A recent study prepared by theGlobal Building Performance Network (GBPN)在巴黎,全世界调查了低负载的高性能建筑物(即被动建筑物),这是对气候挑战的必要解决方案。

For this study the GBPN developed a low-load space conditioning needs map which shows that the low-load systems profile (different combinations of heating, cooling, and dehumidification requirements depending on climate) of the U.S. looks almost identical to China. With such close similarities between the climates of the U.S. and China, the implementation of our methodology for developing climate-specific passive building standards in China is a logical next step.

Climate-specific standards for China


We agreed that the applicability of the climate-specific passive building standards adapted from the U.S. to the Chinese context is a no-brainer. However, more work needs to be done, such as developing metrics to incorporate local cost data for the best cost-optimized results.

我们与中国被动建筑集团的讲习班结束了研讨会,同意继续进行进一步的合作,而Phius在该合作中的作用将是帮助使用DOE/NREL报告使用相同的方法来生成中国特定于气候的被动建筑标准。在这种安排中,我们的中国合作伙伴将提供运行计算所需的所有必要信息和参数。作为这方面的第一步,我们已经为广州为Phius+ 2015认证的第一个项目生成了广州的气候数据集。

Please stay tuned for more information on further developments with this promising new partnership as we look forward to tackling the challenges of climate change together.

The second installment of this two-part blog series is中国被动房屋,第2部分.

Katrin Klingenberg是美国被动院学院的执行董事Phius网站.


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