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太阳能 - 首先隔离!

28年前,我搬到了佛蒙特州的布拉特伯勒(Brattleboro),为一个旨在促进太阳能的组织工作,该组织在1970年代摆脱了能源危机的行业。When the problem is dependence on an energy source that’s non-renewable, that comes from far away and sucks money out of our local economy, that pollutes our air when we burn it, and that contributes to global warming, it makes a lot of sense to look for an alternative that’s renewable, available locally, and environmentally safe. Solar energy is just such a solution.



Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan and proponent of solar energy—this will be the first of several articles focused on it—but it’s important to think of solar as something that makes sense to do after we’ve done a whole lot of energy conservation work. In trying to reduce home energy costs, it’s almost always more cost-effective to spend a lot of money on insulating, weatherizing, and window replacement before you start writing checks for solar collectors. Once you get your energy consumption way down, solar energy is a tremendous way to supply those much smaller loads. Weaning ourselves from fossil fuel use—including foreign oil—should be a high priority for us as individuals and for us as a society.

在接下来的三个星期中,我将解决从太阳能中受益的三种方法:被动太阳能供暖,太阳能热水和光伏电力(太阳能电力)。其中首先与建筑设计有关 - 使用窗户,墙壁和地板等建筑元素来收集,存储和分发太阳能 - 因此,在新建筑或大量添加中实现这种方法要容易得多。太阳水加热和光伏系统通常使用安装在屋顶上的太阳能收集器来加热水或发电。

本地提供了两个“纽扣佛蒙特州”研讨会,均为佛蒙特州牙买加的一家领先的能源审计和气候公司Thermal House的Keith Abbott。其他本地企业和专家将在场。第一个是11月1日(星期六),从9:00到11:30在Buhs多功能室。第二个将是11月8日星期六上午10点至下午2点在基督教广场的普特尼社区中心。这两个研讨会都是由中央佛蒙特州社区行动委员会,佛蒙特州和佛蒙特州能源与气候行动网络(VECAN)免费提供的。11月1日计划由Brattleboro气候保护和Windham地区职业中心共同赞助;有关信息,请致电251-8135与Paul Cameron联系。11月8日计划由普特尼能源委员会和德姆斯顿能源委员会共同赞助;有关信息,请致电387-2521与Daniel Hoviss联系。






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