Recent Articles
After more than five years, I’m saying goodbye to my weekly Energy Solutions blog
Testing Building Assemblies for Moisture Resistance
A state-of-the-art testing facility shows that liquid-applied WRBs outperform taped housewrap
Yes, the Living Building Challenge is Overreaching
‘We all need to be overreaching,’ says Jason McLennan, CEO of the International Living Future Institute
Can We Power Our Car With the Sun?
We oversized our PV system so that can use solar energy to power around-town driving with a plug-in hybrid car
High-Tech Ceiling Fans for Low-Tech Cooling
The sleek, energy-efficient Haiku fan from Big Ass Fans will help keep us comfortable in our new house this summer
Resilience as a Driver of Change
Whether or not you believe that climate change is happening, implementing resilient design strategies will make you and your family safer — and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Taking Action on Climate Change
What will it take for policy makers and the public finally get on board with the need to do something about climate change?
Earth Day 2014 and Climate Change
理解Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its new Fifth Assessment Report
How Much Water Does it Take to Turn on a Light Bulb?
A look at the water intensity (or water footprint) of electricity generation
Saving Water — Saving Energy
Saving energy isn’t only about using less electricity and fuel; it’s also about saving water