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Best way to insulate old farm house walls



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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1

    Is the board sheathing in good shape? If so, you could leave it and the existing cellulose in place (perhaps adding more). Then you could improve things significantly by installing R-7.5 of reclaimed rigid foam on the exterior. (Reclaimed foam is generally much less expensive than new product.) This would be a much greener and cost-effective approach than spray foam (especially as compared to older closed cell products that use problematic blowing agents).

    You may want to search GBA for articles and discussion threads on doing a "deep energy retrofit." The more recent ones often argue for focusing on practical steps that improve comfort and performance without blowing up the budget.

    If you avoid overspending on your project, you may be able to install a solar array and offset most or all of your carbon footprint. There are many variables to consider, but GBA is a great resource for planning how to move forward.

  2. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#2



    继续考虑隔热。闭孔泡沫很昂贵。我同意史蒂夫。外部泡沫很有意义。拍摄很多照片,以便您可以根据需要复制装饰,但计划将其删除。除非弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计您的房子,否则您是否真的在乎您的装修是否真实?我们的房子是由一些无名农民设计和建造的。多年来,它显然经过了反复的翻新,但是除了专家以外的任何人都可以看一看,并认为这是一栋不错的联邦风格的房屋,尽管有十八世纪末和十九世纪初的各种装饰作品。



  3. fomocosho||#3

    I appreciate the advice. The exterior boards are in fair shape, a few would need to be replaced but that’s not a big deal. If I just added the insulation on the outside of the exterior boards is there a concern that there isn’t a vapor barrier on the inside between the cellulose and lath and plaster? The other concern I had about going that route is the roof overhang is not very big and I didn’t want to reduce it anymore if I didn’t have to. It is a two story home. I will do more reading on those deep energy retrofit articles.

    Thank you

  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4





  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5

    Yarding out the cellulose and replacing it with closed cell foam is an expensive waste of high performance foam (that comes with a high environmental impact) that buys you very little additional performance, due to the thermal bridging of the studs. Save the high R/inch budget for going fatter exterior foam. See:


    In zone 6 with 2x4 framing you'll need at least R7.5 on the exterior for dew point control, R8 if it's full-dimension 2x4s. If you're stripping the plank sheathing you'll be able to inspect the cellulose and fix any gaps, and you'd be in a position to upgrade the window flashing, If it's full-dimension 1x plank sheathing, the 2" ZIP-R would give you the necessary R value for dew point control on 3.5-4", adding just an inch to the total wall thickness.

  6. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#6

    If you have only a minimal roof overhang, that might be a reason to choose metal roofing the next time you re-roof. It's easier to add a few inches of overhang with metal roofing than with other types of roofing.

  7. fomocosho||#7

    Thank you for your replies. I got a quote for zip r panels they said 2” is not available but 2 1/2” is. They are $64 per panel and must be ordered in bundles of 18. This does not include the tape. They are R 12.6. This seems quite steep if I compare the cost of separate osb, foam, house wrap. The savings for me would be the ease of installation as this will be diy. I just thought someone might find the pricing info useful.

    I agree taking the cellulose out would be foolish after your comments and more research, but I would want to do like Dana said and fill in any voids that are existing.

    In the zip panel literature it says panels used on lateral shear walls need to have solid framing or blocking on all panel edges. Excuse my ignorance but how do I know if this applies to my home?

    Thank You

  8. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#8


    Many balloon framed antiques will have angled let-in bracing for shear strength.

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