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Confused about new roof / decking / insulation job

乌尔曼|Posted inGBA Pro帮助on

Hi, my name is Todd and I’m very confused about what to do. My insurance company has agreed to replace the roof, including the decking (sheathing), and ventilation, in my cape cod home in Dayton, Ohio. I have a refinished, vaulted second floor, with a small attic peak. All of this was there when I bought the home 3 years ago (I think it was done in 1998). Thinking this would be a chance to improve the insulation I began to investigate what to do. Now I am completely baffled, both online sources and contractors have given me such divergent advise.


I have no soffit vents.
I have R-19 batts crammed in the rafter along with styrofoam baffles (approximately 2 inches in depth). Thus the batts are compressed to roughly 3.5 in. This material runs from the knee wall top to the small attic floor and peak area (3 ft or so triangle).



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  1. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#1


    “正确”的事情是要关闭通风口,当新的屋顶甲板下降时,将纤维素从外部吹入通风口,完全填充了(2x6?)rafter after after after after bay大约R20。然后在屋顶甲板上方,在新的屋顶甲板上涂上适当的滑动材料,3.2​​5英寸(R20)纤维面屋顶polyiso,用外部OSB Nailer甲板固定在适当位置24英寸O.C.,带有#30毛毡和带状疱疹或任何应用于钉子甲板。


    R20 ISO的材料成本加法器约为每平方英尺2美元,但是您的中心腔含量约为R40,但是由于外部泡沫被the绕被afterters损坏,因此性能将等同于R45之类的东西-r50在地板托梁之间应用,这更像是代码。在屋顶甲板上方的R20的情况下,您不需要内部蒸气屏障来保护甲板免受内部水分驱动器的侵害,并且它对美国气候5(Dayton在5区)完全符合IRC 2012:

    The air leakage behind & through kneewall attics is usually atrocious, and by making the roof deck the primary air barrier and blocking the vents, it brings those mini-attics fully within conditioned space, and your whole-house air tightness numbers will be much improved, and with the roof deck now partially inside the insulation layer, it runs much warmer, and minor air leaks from the interior into the attic space through those kneewalls don't turn into a moisture & mold problem.

    In some locations (like mine) there are companies that reclaim roofing foam from commercial building demolition, which cuts 2/3-3/4 off the material price. If you need a truckload, delivers, for a price. They have a facility in WV, not sure about OH. In my neighborhood I have multiple vendors pf reclaimed foam, some of whom advertise on craigslist. YMMV

    除非另有标记,否则假设再生纤维面向的屋顶ISO为〜r5.5/英寸的厚度,因此3.5“也是最小厚度,即使大多数处女股票为R20 @ 3.25”。(R6/英寸)。放置更多的东西永远不会受到伤害,但是在6英寸或更高的情况下,螺丝长度有点笨拙,尤其是当您使用通风的钉子甲板方法时。

  2. 乌尔曼||#2


  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    You have two choices: you can build an unvented roof assembly or a vented roof assembly. Either approach can work, as long as you get the details right.

    至少,你必须确保你的insulation is thick enough to meet code requirements. You can't do that with 2x6 rafters, so you will have to make your roof thicker -- either by adding insulation on top of your roof sheathing, or by building down your ceiling to provide more room for insulation.





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