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Crawlspace insulation advice

Adam Petrea|发布了General Questions

嗨 - 让我描述我们的爬行。大约3到4英尺高,约20×20英尺。我们有一个蒸气屏障,油底壳和除湿。由于除湿器,空间是干燥的。天花板和墙壁都是绝缘的。我们总是刚刚在爬行之上的地区上的爬行空间气味,似乎无法摆脱它。我已经尝试过遮挡vebts并打开它们,但我无法摆脱这种轻微的气味。



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  1. Adam Petrea||#1


  2. GBA Editor

    您没有解释您的爬行空间是否通风或密封。如果爬行空间墙中有大的通风口开口,则需要将它们密封并执行本文中描述的其他措施:Building an Unvented Crawl Space.

    Once you have done this work, you can reassess the situation. In general, it's almost always better to have insulation on your crawlspace walls rather than on your crawl space ceiling.

    你写道,“我没有尝试过的一件事正在拆除爬行的墙壁绝缘,并只是离开天花板。”大多数专家建议相反的方法 - 留下墙壁绝缘并去除天花板绝缘。然而,在我看来,您可以将天花板绝缘材料留到位 - 只要它安全并且不发霉即可。

    If you've performed the measures needed to create a sealed crawl space, and you still have an odor problem, the usual remedy is to install a low-flow exhaust fan in the rim joist to slightly depressurize the crawl space. Makeup air is provided by a grille in your floor (so that conditioned air from upstairs can enter your crawl space). This should solve the odor problem.

    Don't install a fan that's too powerful. The fan needs to be rated at 1 cfm for each 50 square feet of crawl space floor area.

  3. Adam Petrea||#3

    Thanks for the response Martin. I do have two vents on the same side which bring air in but I doubt exhaust much. There is a strong breeze coming in from both. I tried encapsulating myself but the stagnant smell got worse. I brought in four professional who ha four completely different theories. But it sounds like the current setup of insulation wouldn't be causing my problem Anny more than when I used rigid foam and had it encapsulated.

  4. GBA Editor

    Now that you have filled us in on your crawl space details, the mechanism by which crawl space odors are entering you house is clear. The mechanism is the stack effect.

    Here's how the stack effect works in your house: cold outdoor air enters your crawl space through the convenient vents that you have provided. Warm, conditioned indoor air leaves your house through cracks in the ceiling of the top floor of your house. As the warm air leaves your house, it pulls more cold air into your house through those crawl space vents. The air travels from the crawl space to your first floor rooms through cracks in the floor that separates your crawl space from the first floor rooms. This air brings odors with it.

    爬网空间中的通风口是问题的很大一部分。因此,解决方案的重要部分 - 即对您的气味问题的解决方案 - 是密封这些爬行空间通风口。

    The most important steps you can take to reduce your odor problem are:





    There is a good chance that the work I describe will have an important side benefit in addition to solving your odor problem: lower energy bills. There are two reasons that this work will lower your energy bills: (a) sealing up those big holes in your crawl space and attic will reduce the amount of conditioned air leaking out of your home's thermal envelope, and (b) you will probably be able to unplug your dehumidifier once the small exhaust fan and floor grille are installed.

  5. Adam Petrea||#5

    Thanks for all the advice, Martin.

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