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Hot water heating

Dean Sandbo|发布General Questions



kithcen side is very far away.. (75-100 feet away) … has a full bath , half bath, and kitchen sink…and a washing machine.

On Master side i am planning on a large heat pump water heater( i have a good utility room for it) attached to a manifold with 1/2 lines to showers, 3/8 lines to sinks and toilet.
was also planning on running 3/4 directly to soaker tub.


1. I am trying to solve the long distance between the two areas of the house… does this sound like a good plan? Or should I use some sort of recirculating method instead between the two manifolds? we just dont want to wait forever for hot water at the kitchen sink…

2. what is the best heat pump water heater out there?


I do have gas available… but for some reason i dont want to use it… except for my range, grill, and a fireplace… am going with a whole house mitsubishi eletric hvac system without gas as well.

anyway… thanks for the advice in advance…

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    考虑到您的目标,您的计划是有道理的。选择最小的马拉松加热器(MODER 30245型号的容量为30加仑)。

    当涉及到热泵热水器时,由Stiebel Eltron享有良好的声誉。

    Since you are going all-electric, don't forget to install a PV array on your roof or in your yard (assuming that your local utility offers favorable net-metering agreements).

  2. Dean Sandbo||#2

    Thank you Martin,

    Also, Since the largest line i will have coming off of the kitchen side manifold is 1/2... can I just run a 1/2 line to the small marathon that feeds that manifold? In essence it will hold less water that will be cooling down and take a shorter time from the heat pump water heater?

  3. 里德·鲍德温(Reid Baldwin)||#3


  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4


    您不妨将1/2英寸的油管运到厕所 - 它们会以这种方式填充。(“等待热水到达的问题”不适用于厕所。)

    Most people are satisfied with the performance of 3/8" lines to lavatories -- but check with your local code inspector to see if that approach is legal in your jurisdiction. The longer the 3/8" line, and the more elbows, the less satisfying the flow rate... so this approach works best for shorter runs with few fittings.

    Here are a couple of links to articles on PV systems:

    An Introduction to Photovoltaic Systems


  5. Dean Sandbo||#5

    ok, so all home runs from the 1/2 to toilets, 1/2 to showers, 1/2 to cold side faucet, I guess the only decision if I am getting super ocd is whether or not to run 3/8 hot or 1/2 hot to sinks hot side. I guess i am obsessing over the fact that 3/8 will get the hot water there faster because there is less in the line... how can I calculate whether or not there will be enough pressure for the handsink with the 3/8?

  6. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#6

    For guidelines on 3/8-inch tubing, read what Gary Klein has to say:Inefficient Hot Water Piping Layouts Waste Hot Water.

  7. Brian Larsen||#7


    浸泡浴缸使用大量的水,通常您希望它能快速填充,因此3/4行很容易为热和冷而有合理的合理性。(检查您的水龙头流量,最低5 gpm)




    Pulling hot water from your heatpump on the master side would not be a good idea except on high volume usages. The water will never reach the second heater and end up being at room temperature resulting in a lot of wasted heat.

  8. Dean Sandbo||#8


  9. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#9

    The main disadvantage of point-of-use electric water heaters (or whole-house tankless electric water heaters) is that these appliances have huge amp-draw requirements. You'll probably need 200-amp electrical service to make this possible. Before you decide you want to do this, talk to an electrician.

    Tank-style heaters have lower amperage requirements.

    如果您决定使用使用点的电加热器 - 您可能想使用的原因 - Stiebel Eltron是一位知名的制造商。

    有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅Point-of-Use Electric Tankless Water Heaters.

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