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Method to use permeable insulation at cathedral ceiling or sealed attic?



This article:
seems to indicate that in climate zones 1-3, you can use vapor permeable insulation if you build a vapor vent. The article specifically references cellulose & fiberglass. Would this vapor vent revise the recommendations here for Climate zones 1-3? Would this vapor vent allow you to use open cell spray foam at a cathedral ceiling or underside of an unvented attic?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Joe Lstiburek has been promoting his idea of "vapor vents" (more commonly called "diffusion vents") for the last few years. To the best of my knowledge, this method of venting is not yet recognized by any building code.

    Lstiburek's initial excitement about diffusion vents had to be dialed back somewhat after a field test in Chicago yielded disappointing results. Data from warmer climates have been more encouraging, but this is still (in my view) an experimental approach. I wouldn't advise the use Lstiburek's approach until more field testing confirms initial findings.

    As far as I know, Lstiburek has never advocated the diffusion vent approach for roof assemblies insulated with open-cell spray foam.

    For more information on diffusion vents and the Chicago field study, seeA Researcher Looks at Insulated Roof Assemblies.

  2. 用户1072251||#2


  3. user-1097046||#3

    You can create a vented roof assembly with either open-cell foam or cellulose if you install site-built vent channels or AccuVent-style cathedral vents. Depending on truss design and target R value, open cell may actually be cheaper than cellulose.

    When the labor and materials associated with venting are taken into account, a lot of the price differential compared to an unvented roof with closed-cell will disappear. If you go with closed-cell, be sure to find an installer who uses fourth-generation blowing agents, which have drastically reduced global warming impacts compared to earlier HFCs.

  4. Jon_R||#4

    Some other options are a mix of closed cell spray foam and cellulose or a raised heel scissor truss (allowing a vaulted ceiling and a vented attic with cellulose).

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