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Questions about insulation and siding

罗索|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我有一栋旧房子建于1945年,它的板条和石膏内部装有木头剃须,在现有的2×4螺柱墙中用作绝缘层。我想卸下外部灰泥,更换所有窗户和门,并用新的工程木制壁板覆盖外部。我可以在外部加入1英寸的渗透泡沫绝缘材料,绑住墙壁以在泡沫和壁板之间提供空间空间吗?还是这会长期导致问题?我正在考虑的产品是一种可渗透的泡沫,在防止外部浸润的同时增加了绝缘材料,该产品由Iko出售,称为Ener Air。我住在温尼伯·曼尼托巴省,该气候与大福克斯ND相同。

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1





    How to Install Rigid Foam Sheathing


  2. 杰里米(Jeremy A)||#2


    马丁,我在墙有2 x6 r-19气候佐恩e 6 with an interior polyethylene barrier. If i put 1-1.5" of roxul comfort board on when residing, I wouldnt have to worry about the dew point causing moisture issues on the plywood sheathing?

  3. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#3

    Jeremy: With the polyethylene sheeting you already don't have to worry about dew point issues, since you've blocked the diffusion path from the humid interior to the cold sheathing. Adding vapor permeable insulation such as rock wool doesn't make it any worse, it only makes it better.


  4. 罗索||#4


  5. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5

    Yes, high-perm foam exists, and should work fine, but it's a specialty item.


  6. 杰里米(Jeremy A)||#6

    I was under the impression there was a minimum r value suggested when adding exterior insulation. Good to know i can add some during my future re-side. I would prefer to add more but my roof overhang at the gable ends is only a couple inches

  7. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#7


    If you have the interior polyethylene keeping to the minimum is still a good idea with exterior insulation that has low vapor permeance (like most rigid foam), but rock wool doesn't have that problem, but most rigid foam. With low-permeance exterior insulation it creates something of a moisture trap, but as long as the temperature of the sheathing is warm enough, it (usually) stays dry enough.

    If there is no interior vapor retarders (defined as < ~1 US perm in Canadian building codes) the minimum exterior R is mandatory even if it's high permeance insulation. This is because the plywood or OSB sheathing itself has too a low vapor permeance, and will accumulate moisture coming from the home's interior if it's too cold, even when there is a drying path toward the exterior.

  8. 杰里米(Jeremy A)||#8

    谢谢Dana,我想在我的情况下,使用Roseau提到的Polyiso Ener-Air产品之类的东西将更有意义。它将为我的有限空间提供更多的R值。




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