刚性泡沫爬行空间绝缘 - 蒸气渗透?
We live in SW Ohio, Climate Zone 5 and it is usually pretty humid during the summer months. During the summer, the basement will get up to 65% RH and we get a bit of a smell that tells us it is time to turn on the dehumidifier. In addition, we are dealing with mice in the crawlspace and probably other areas as well. Also have lots of spiders.
For the winter I sealed up the two vents (can spray foam/rigid foam) with a plastic vent cover. I put plastic between the spray foam and rigid foam to pop it out if needed later. With the mice, needing to do some plumbing in the bathroom, my thoughts were to pull the batt insulation and use rigid foam on the crawlspace walls.
My initial thought was to use either Thermax or John Manville’s CI Max since both have the thermal barrier built in. But reading Info-512 on buildingscience said the perm ratings are too low and I may have issues moisture buildup between the concrete foundation wall and the rigid foam. I’m not sure if the thermal barrier is code in my area, but wanted to use it to be on the safe side.
John Manville安装说明可以选择使用连接到墙壁的1x毛茸茸条带以及附接到毛皮条带的泡沫板。这将留下一个小气隙,〜3/4“,可以缓解墙壁和泡沫板之间的水分的潜在问题吗?虽然冷基础墙可以诱导冷凝?你会密封泡沫板的顶部吗?
要么if a thermal barrier isn’t needed, go with the regular XPS? Seems like polyiso’s foil facing has the same perm rating as the thermal barrier versions and would still lead to the same problems.
布鲁里溃疡建筑公司使用科学建议ilders that concrete basement walls had to dry to the interior. I opposed this advice for years, and Joe Lstiburek finally conceded, admitting that the advice was wrong. Read more here:Joe Lstiburek Discusses Basement Insulation and Vapor Retarders。
“安装耐用的蒸汽屏障 - 例如,一个20密耳池衬里或Tu-Tuf poly - 在地板上,伸出爬行空间墙,到墙顶的3英寸内。留下3英寸 -墙顶的宽白蚁检查条带。“
A. Just add rigid foam to the walls. The rigid foam is a vapor retarder. Installing polyethylene under the rigid foam is an optional step.