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Sanity check on energy efficient window pricing

John Ranson|发布Green Products and Materialson

I’m pricing out energy efficient windows, and am wondering if the quotes that I’m receiving are typical. I’m looking at white, triple glazed, low-e, argon or krypton filled fiberglass new-construction casements with no grids. I’ve received quotes from two Canadian manufacturers that are both $47/ sq. ft, uninstalled. Does that seem in-line with other people’s experience buying windows?

I’m aware that vinyl windows would be cheaper, and that double pane windows probably have better ROI. Having a firmer idea of pricing will help with that math for my house.


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  1. 亚当·伊斯特(Adam Emter)||#1


    Check out。I ordered 8 windows and 2 entry doors from Ben last year. They are made in Poland. 3-pane, 3-gasket tilt/turn vinyl. I won't share exact numbers, but I paid significantly less than those s.f. prices you quoted, which included shipping from Europe. I am very happy with the windows and doors and Ben has taken care of me from day 1.

  2. 戴夫·欧文斯(Dave Owens)||#2


    Another option to consider is WASCO Windows -。他们的部门可以使倾斜和转动窗户制作,根据您的位置,与进口相比,运输成本可能非常有吸引力。据我了解,他们使用德国软件,材料和机器,但在密尔沃基构建了单元。我没有任何隶属关系,但是买了一个房子,很高兴。如果您可以访问他们,他们将进行一次不错的旅行。

    Tilt & turn are NOT casements though. WASCO does make standard double hung and casements in their main division but they're just not in the same energy efficiency league as the European style windows.

  3. John Ranson||#3

    Interestingly, I now have quotes at $60/sq. ft. for a US made fiberglass window, and $30/sq. ft. for another Canadian made fiberglass window. I did ask for a quote from Prossimo. We'll see where they come in, but the $30/ sq. ft. is very attractive, even if I have to pay an extra $500 for shipping.

    Can anyone who has had windows imported from Canada to the US tell me if they were charged an import duty? I'm not sure if NAFTA applies here.


  4. C L||#4

    How are people handling window treatment for these types on inward opening and inward tilting windows? I looked at the photos on both sites and could not really tell. Seems like old fashioned curtains hung high above the window and pulled back? Any other options?

    In Europe they use these integral storm shutters that are housed in the wall, and roll down the exterior side of the window via bands on the inside. But those are expensive and not usually available in the US...

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