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Would a rainscreen be required?

JeremyArch| Posted inGeneral Questionson


I would like to install 1.5″ of mineral wool on the exterior before finishing with vinyl. I am pretty sure vinyl siding can be installed on foam insulation up to 2″ without a rainscreen suggested but the mineral wool is less dense and I worry it wont hold the vinyl the same.
Are there any best practices when installing vinyl over mineral wool?
Thanks in advance

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    You don't need a rainscreen gap.

    Your biggest problem is that most vinyl siding manufacturers probably don't allow their products to be installed on a squishy substrate like mineral wool. (For that matter, most vinyl siding manufacturers don't allow their products to be installed on furring strips, either.)

    You can always "go outlaw" -- install the siding in a way that is contrary to the manufacturer's installation instructions -- but then you won't have any warranty if something goes wrong.

    For more information, seeCan Vinyl Siding be Applied Over Furring Strips?

  2. JeremyArch||#3

    Not one to break the rules when it comes to a warranty. I will look at using a more rigid foam instead.

    Thank you both for the links and information

  3. JeremyArch||#4


    I am still trying to develop a solution by adding some insulation on my exterior while using vinyl siding. Would a solution as follows work on the exterior of my existing wall in climate zone 6. I am limited on the amount of material I can put on and want to allow my wall to dry outwards with the existing interior poly in place.

    2x6 16"oc fiberglass batt
    1" mineral wool
    0.5" rigid foam
    vinyl siding

    Thanks for your thoughts on this!

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5

    You're going to have fewer problems with rigid insulation than mineral wool, and it's best if this type of assembly dries to the interior.

    You can install vinyl siding on top of rigid foam that is up to 2 inches thick without any furring strips. If you use polyiso, you'll be fine for 2x4 walls -- and a little marginal for 2x6 walls. If you have already framed your house with 2x6s, you could skimp a little on the insulation between the studs to stay out of trouble.

  5. JeremyArch||#6

    Sorry, this is a retrofit with existing poly so im looking at a way to add 1.5" allowing to dry to the exterior using vinyl siding

  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#7

    Adding enough continuous exterior insulation -- in your case, continuous insulation with a minimum R-value of R-11.25 -- is far more important than worrying about the interior poly. If I were you, I would go ahead with a solution that supplies continuous insulation rated at R-11.25 or more, and I wouldn't worry about the polyethylene.

    For more information on why I think you can stop worrying about the interior polyethylene, see this article:The Exterior Rigid Foam is Too Thin!

  7. JeremyArch||#8

    Thanks for your replies Martin, they are appreciated.

    I would love to add a r-12 to my exterior but I guess thats my problem, I am unable to add more then 1.5 inches. My gable ends dont currently have more then a 2 inch overhang so to add R-12 i would need to build this out. Its a new roof (done by previous owners) and i dont want to get into that sort of work with my current budget. Given these constraints i am trying to come up with a way which to use a vapour permeable insulation in the event my sheathing does get wet as well as use a rigid backing for my vinyl siding.
    我刚收到从我第一次风机测试结果and the original condition 1983 build has an ACH of 2.6. With air sealing and upgrades this will lower, ideally under 2ACH. perhaps i dont need to worry about much vapour diffusion through the wall resulting in condensation and i can just use a vapour semi-permeable exterior insulation.
    Hope our enjoying the weekend!

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