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这种紧凑的食品室溢出储存。Shelves on three walls maximize the storage potential in this pantry, which is only 6 feet wide. Even the space above the door was fitted with a storage shelf.

图像信用:Roe A. Osborn / Fine HomeBuilding

Kitchensof the past were often dark, cramped places where a solitary cook would toil. Now that it has evolved into the social hub of the house, people usually want the kitchen to be open to living areas. They also want windows to bring in自然光线通风. Meanwhile multiple cooks, helpers, and visitors need their own places in the kitchen, and a multitude of small appliances are considered essential, straining the traditional work triangle. The result is that thekitchencan easily become cluttered and inefficient. A walk-in pantry improves the function of the kitchen while saving material, money, and time; it even makes it easier to eat healthful food.

An example of why green design doesn’t have to cost more比传统的设计,步入式储藏室取代了昂贵的单个橱柜。将食物和庞大的物品储存远离工作站,为更有效和开放的厨房。许多通常保存在橱柜中的物品可以移动到步入式储藏室,允许在厨房中获得更多窗户和开放空间,并且如果在食品室保存小器具,则节省了贵重的柜台空间。走进开放式架子的房间并立即评估库存节省时间。

有一个方便的地理位置在散装中储存食物的位置可以节省包装,并节省储气和浪费时间前往杂货店。事实上,在转变为“厨师的”心态之后,我的妻子和我现在每周只花了十分钟的杂货店,另一个小时或两个月与我们一起食品购买俱乐部. Our pantry is not generously sized, but we need a place to store 25-pound buckets of whole-grain flour, recycling bins, and many jars of whole grains and dry beans.

Simply having a pantry does not guarantee healthier eating, of course; you could fill it with junk food, after all. But as an example of howdesign can influence greener behavior拿着食品室,让一辆善意的方式更容易吃,这对人们和地球都很健康。

What makes a good walk-in pantry?它应该非常接近厨房,一部分真的,有效。简单的开放式在厨房附近的黑暗角落中的一个拉出托盘上的搁置允许厨房空间利用阳光位置。关闭一扇门离开了杂乱。2英尺逐3英尺的储肠式是最小的实用尺寸;围绕三墙的包裹架,中心打开最大化存储最小的成本。5英寸逐个5英尺的食品室更舒适,允许下面更深的货架上的较浅的计数器。6英尺逐个8英尺的空间足以容纳胸部冰柜和大量的储存。

Natural light is always welcome, but direct sunlight is not good for most foods. A small, north-facing window is ideal. Some air circulation is beneficial, especially if onions and potatoes will be stored together. Many vegetables, such as onions, garlic, potatoes, and squash, store well at just below room temperature, perfect for an unheated pantry.

储餐室是保持微波炉的好地方,一种始终尴尬的设备可以容纳在厨房设计中。冰箱应该靠近储藏室,创造“食物贮藏” zone, and typically food that goes into the microwave comes straight from the fridge. The pantry is also a good place for recycling — adjacent to the work zones but not taking up prime real estate.

You don’t have room for a walk-in pantry, or you just don’t think you need that much space? Consider a tall but shallow cabinet, no more than 18 inches deep — 12 or 15 inches is even better. It won’t seem as massive as a 24-inch-deep unit, and items won’t get lost at the back of the cabinet. I find flip/fold-type units too complicated and expensive to be practical, but vertical pullouts can work well; think of it as taking a wall full of 8- to 12-inch-deep shelves and sliding them sideways into a cabinet. Even a singlepullout shelf可以充分利用未充分利用的角落。


  1. Jim Blodgett||#1

    说,迈克,和对time as we plan our next house. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

  2. Ann Edminster||#2

    walk-in storage
    Love it! Much the same applies to walk-in closets and bedrooms -- let's hear it for smaller rooms with less clutter. Where there isn't room for a walk-in pantry, a shallow conventional closet w/shelves and sliding or bifold doors can also work well.

  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#3

    谢谢你们两个赞美。这是旧的路易斯卡恩队服务于仆人空间 - 他们需要彼此。它曾经是厨房是仆人的空间,现在它是由食品室供应的,就像一个卧室的衣柜好好衣柜。

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