
灾难性的内布拉斯加州的洪水and other states along the Missouri River has brought back painful memories of major floods like those in1993and2011。我们知道,洪水变得越来越频繁,并造成更大的破坏。这National Climate Assessment has warnedthat floods are more likely to occur in the Midwest as the climate changes.比尔·麦基本(Bill McKibben),在接受thinkprogress.com的采访中, pointed out that Nebraska’s “current trauma is part of everyone’s future.”
这flooding in the Midwestis the latest in a long line of catastrophic disasters that have climate change’s fingerprints all over them. Whileinland states suffer many more flood disasters than coastal states, they are more localized and usually don’t grab the national spotlight, unless they rise to the level of calamity在内布拉斯加州,爱荷华州和密苏里州看到。Most people recall the names of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, Florence, and Michael, while major inland floods tend to quickly fade from the nation’s collective memory.
自2015年以来,美国一些最大的洪水灾害并没有造成飓风和热带风暴。它们发生在路易斯安那州中部内陆的迈尔斯(2016, $10.6 billion in losses),休斯顿(2016年,28亿美元), Texas and Oklahoma (2015, $2.7 billion),德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州(2016, $2.4 billion), and South Carolina (2015, $2.2 billion)。
Even among recent hurricanes —哈维and佛罗伦萨in particular — historic levels of rain caused far more damage inland, compared to storm surge or high winds along the coastline. The damages from the 2019 floods are still being tallied, but areexpected to exceed $1.3 billion in Nebraska alone.
Record disaster years have led to a growing recognition that we need to better prepare for floods and rebuild differently, not to mention adapt to the impacts of climate change. For flooding, attention is often focused on areas where “named storms” (i.e., hurricanes) have wreaked havoc or on coastal cities slowly being overtaken by sea level rise.
Sometimes overlooked are the inland areas that are struggling with the increasing frequency and severity of flood disasters, like what’s happened in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri. Our national memory does not always recall these “non-named” disasters as time passes.
Reinstate federal flood protection standards
特朗普总统rescinded federal flood protection standards就在哈维飓风飓风的前几天,一次大失误在每次过去的洪灾中越来越破坏。特朗普政府表示将提出新标准,但事实证明这是一个空洞的承诺。Federal flood protection standardswould ensure that public areas are sited and designed with an additional margin of safety for future flooding and sea level rise.Congress could put a federal flood protection standard back in place而且有兴趣这样做。
A growing number of Americans are tired of being flooded repeatedly and they need assistance to move to higher ground. Unfortunately, that can be hard to come by, as government disaster assistance usually prioritizes rebuilding in the same vulnerable place. Owners of these homes are, in a sense, trapped by the disaster aid programs designed to enable rebuilding.
我们需要使洪水灾难幸存者更容易获得援助,以便他们愿意这样做。国会要求政府问责办公室找出为什么收购和搬迁工作效率低下且耗时。And the Natural Resources Defense Council has called for使易洪水房屋的收购成为洪水保险覆盖范围的好处。
这National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) should be a linchpin in the nation’s efforts to prepare for and recover from flood disasters, but in its current state it’s a liability, especially when you factor in the growing influence of climate change.
这NFIP not only provides insurance to millions of Americans, but it is also responsible for mapping flood risks, establishing minimum development standards for the nation’s floodplains, and it is a primary source of flood risk information. In every aspect of the program, it fails to deliver what’s needed.NRDC has long called for climate-smart NFIP reformsthat include:
- Helping people move to higher ground。NFIP可以直接提供资金,以帮助居住在洪水泛滥的房屋中的人们摆脱伤害,但事实并非如此。对于NFIP中最容易发生洪水的房屋,NRDC has found it would be cost effectiveto provide this assistance and help thousands of people relocate now — and help many more in the future.
- Increase transparency and require disclosure of flood risks.如果人们被拒绝获取信息,他们将无法避免在洪水泛滥风险的地方购买或租用房屋。国会应:要求过去的洪水损失和其他信息向购房者和房客披露(28 states currently have inadequate or no disclosure requirements at all);要求房主有权了解NFIP或私人保险公司支付的过去的洪水损失索赔;并要求FEMA通过NFIP发布更多其收集的数据,其中大多数数据远离公众视野。
- 产生反映未来条件和气候变化的洪水图。FEMA的洪水地图没有考虑到将来的洪水会变得更糟由于极端天气事件,海平面rise, and other factors. As a result, the potential for larger floods, like those affecting Nebraska and the Midwest, and those that the National Climate Assessment says are in the future, are not accounted for on official flood maps used for making development decisions.
Flooding in Nebraska has caused substantial damage to Offutt Air Force Base,战略空中司令部的总部。这是过去一年中洪水和飓风严重破坏的第三次主要军事装置。
Last year,Camp Lejeune in North Carolina是世界上最大的海军陆战队基地,受到佛罗伦萨飓风的袭击,佛罗里达州的廷德尔空军基地由迈克尔飓风升级。那真是可笑特朗普总统质疑气候变化的国家安全影响考虑到这些损害,如果他不是那么危险的基础。
Last yearCongress directed the Department of Defenseto pursue a suite of actions toensure military bases were prepared for the impacts of climate change。鉴于军事基地最近遭受了损害,这看起来像是一个非常明智的举动。
- “Floodplain requirements on new military construction (roughly $10 billion annually): Projects must identify whether they are in the 100-year floodplain, and if so, they must not only include mitigation plans, but be designed to assume an additional 2 feet above the base flood elevation (3 feet for mission critical facilities). This was originally a bipartisan stand-alone bill introduced by Senators Schatz, Moran, and Reed. (Sec 2805)
- “将能源和气候考虑因素纳入安装总体计划(该计划的规定是如何制定的以及将在何处进行新的建筑)。(第二节2805)
- “Authority to expend Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative funds to protect military installation resilience (Sec 312i)
- “Expanding Defense Access Roads authority to improve critical roads outside a base that are impacted by sea-level rise and recurrent flooding. (Sec 2865)”
We must consider how agricultural land is managed with regard to water retention. We have tiled and ditched fields and filled prairie potholes to the detriment of those downstream. Agricultural land has a fraction of the organic matter the original grasslands had. It is this organic matter that holds water on the land where it will be needed as summer wears on. Soils high in organic matter dry more quickly in the spring and also cycle nutrients more efficiently lowering nitrate loss.
This is 100% true Doug... it's known as Organic Farming, and and each of us can lessen the damage caused by these floods by supporting true organic farmers (weather certified or not) by purchasing the foods they grow, preferably from local farms. Do not support conventional Ag. that relies on chemicals rather than natures bounty of organically managed soil to grow their crops. Properly grown food may cost more up front, but it's far less costly in the long run when you compare all the external costs (flood losses, soil erosion, river contamination from run-off, cancers, neighboring communities poisoned from pesticide drift, animal suffering, over-use of antibiotics, nutrient loss in foods, insect populations plummeting, poisoned well water, and the list goes on).
Just put a stop to all the chem trailing worldwide and give us our sun and blue skies back. Then we will have the evaporation we need and put an end to all these rainy days.
"The state loses a football field’s worth of land every hour and a half"
What do you know it is spring time and somewhere a river is spilling over its banks. Next you tell us it is hot in the summer and then it will be cold in the winter! I am shocked I tell you shocked beyond words.
If you are saying rainfall in the Mississippi basin has increased on an annual bases then show us the river flow graphs to prove it.
Around here in Michigan, higher ground and more expensive don't always correlate -- houses near local parks with rivers running through them are often prime real estate, but are shown as at possibly risk on FEMA 100 year flood maps.
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