If you think I look silly in the adjacent photo, I am here to warn you that thermographic imagery will make us all look silly if we do not take stock of the power it holds in the hands of homeowners. In the next two to three years, it will change the way we all look—and the way our houses are built—more than ANY other technology to hit our industry since power tools.
从手动工具到电动工具的飞跃比从电动工具到电池供电工具的飞跃要大得多 - 前者是效率的技术驱动力。后者,方便。但是,这种新型的负担得起的相机技术现在使我们能够透过墙壁,地板和天花板浏览超人式的X射线视野。毫无疑问,它会揭示一些非常令人不愉快的惊喜。
The big reveal
从最基本的角度来看cameras detect subtle changes in heat. This means we can spot water leaking within or into almost any point in the building envelope. We can see every possible type of foundation leak, plumbing leak, roof leak, leaks around windows and doors, or rain-driven moisture that works its way through openings in siding, brick, and stucco. More ominous for those responsible, these cameras also detect missing insulation and leaky ductwork.
Other Blogs in this Series
My 1st Commandment我的第二诫My 3rd Commandment我的第四诫My 5th CommandmentMy 6th Commandment我的第七条诫命
High-performance, responsible green builders, however, have nothing to fear. In fact, if you are one of these builders, you are likely already using such a camera yourself as part of your inspection processes—or you at least welcome anybody who would like to come behind your work to see for themselves.
But if your company is in transition and does not understand or appreciate this technology, you could get yourself in a heap of trouble if you are caught with one of the aforementioned problems. Imagine reading a report and viewing the video that shows your insulation contractor missed the cavity between two studs behind a paneled wall with cabinets—or worse yet, a duct connection that was improperly sealed, and then the homeowner presents you with their electricity bills for the past several months, expecting reimbursement.
It’s one thing if you have this information before the client moves into their new home, but it is another if the technology ends up in the hands of a toxic, unhappy homeowner. They will be able to pick their home—and you—apart!
The bottom line
我们都会犯错误,但它是真正的professional that owns up to those mistakes and gets them fixed right away. Don’t give anyone the chance to find your mistakes before you do. Get ahead by learning and training in this technology so that you can make all aspects of your homes better. Commandment #7: You can run, but thermography ensures you or your problems cannot hide!
Construction Management
Michael, I suppose, where repetitive building programs are concerned, I suppose there is no excuse at all - and we should actively be trying to pursue the goals you describe.
I get some entertainment in listening to the CMAA radio from time to time. They do present quite a good discussion, of what to looking for going forward in the industry.
As Built Paper
企业建造 - 问题和提议的解决方案
Stephen R. Pettee, CCM
大多数(如果不是全部)建筑合同要求承包商制作出色的图纸。但是,在行业文献中几乎没有关于建筑构建的信息和铺设过程的信息。它们如何正确地执行并符合什么标准?谁负责内容?如何使用它们?这些问题的答案可能并不明显。建筑管理(CM)行业应详细攻击该主题。本文通过讨论获得质量工作的一些固有问题开始了攻击。它提供了一些解决方案,包括需要制定标准和分担承包商在提供方面的责任。具体而言,本文提出了三个建议。 First, it makes a case for the CM industry to develop general as-built standards that could be used for most construction contracts. Second, it offers a payment vehicle to the contractor for producing them. Finally, it proposes that the construction manager take an active role in the as-builting process.
Anyone with Level I training in IR will recognize this statement as somewhat optimistic. IR does allow us to identify possible wet areas in building assemblies, given the right conditions. It is of little or no use in identifying moisture problems in other conditions. It is often necessary to use other tools and techniques to further investigate things seen with IR. Anyone considering an IR camera should also consider the training needed to help them use the tool successfully.
As a builder and remodeler, I think IR is fantastic. I have Level I training, own a camera, and use it frequently, but if your job is to conclusively identify building problems (or the lack thereof) I would encourage you to qualify the author's statement carefully.
Contracts for integrated design
An interesing piece on integrated design from CMAA magazine.
Cutting corners
Architects & Designers
我想,由于我是设计师,所以我应该从建筑师和设计师开始,这些设计师需要包括所有必要的细节以制定一套完整的计划。当然,这与$ 1/s.f相矛盾。价格建设者正在为他们的计划付费,以及设计社区已经售罄的事实,以制作干扰和不完整的图纸。
I just had my house blown with dense pac cellulose. I don't have air conditioning so I'll have to wait until the heating season to check how good of a job my contractor performed. I wonder if there is yet another temperature independent sensor technique that might be developed and serve as a diagnostic tool. Some sort of density scan or the like.
I love the opening sentence of this blog. Nice bit of writing.
delta t
It can be difficult to tell whether insulation is missing, the cavity is not completely filled, the insulation is not in contact with the drywall, etc.
My home was built in 1907 and I am just starting insulation and air tightness measures. Currently the ACH50 is 13+ so I don't imagine much of a delta T can be maintained between the interior and exterior. Maybe direct sunlight on an exterior wall would give a reading but that would still only be one of the four sides of the house.
谁能评论他们接受的培训?我一直在考虑这样做,但对于一个非常简单的概念来说似乎很昂贵。我已经使用了一年多的时间,没有任何训练 - 红色很热,蓝色是冷的 - 不是我们正在看火箭船中的组件。您如何看待 - 您真的从中得到了什么,这是否值得?
J Chesnut
I have examined some very leaky homes and of course you can get adequate delta T. If you can get the house to 68 or 70 degrees early in the morning, and it's 50 outside overnight, you have great conditions. I suppose if you live in San Diego that might never happen, but in a lot of the country it should be fairly easy.
I took Level I training from the Snell Group, and thought it was very worthwhile. I have 25 years as a builder and had some previous experience with infrared as a volunteer firefighter, but found the class to be engaging all the way through. I do agree that you can probably get some good use out of the technology with no training, but given the chance I would take it. I will probably take Level II next year.
not so limited by season
Oops. An oversight on my part.
I just had dense pac cellulose blown into the cavities of my own home and I can't perform thermography just yet because not only do I have no air conditioning but I'm in the middle of exchanging my heating system so I have no way to heat the house above the outside temperature. Couldn't see past my own particular circumstances.
moisture problems
One effective way to combat moisture is by the use of desiccants like Silica Gel. These are the same small sachets you find in packaging of various products like electronics, garments, etc. Silica Gel works by absorbing the moisture in its surrounding area. For most moisture challenges, does the job. With small sachets cost less than a dollar, it truly is a cost effective way of protection from moisture. There is a lot more information and an order form on our website athttp://www.SilicaGel.net
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