
This story is part of the Pulitzer Center’s nationwide连接的海岸线报告计划。
Summer temperatures in Chicago normally peak in the low 80s, but in mid-July 1995 theytopped 100°F with excessive humidityfor three days straight. Emergency rooms were overwhelmed with cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, especially in urban, low-income, and minority communities. By the time the heat wave receded, more than 700 people had died.
芝加哥热浪刺激了一些城市开始为处于危险人群提供免费的空调。但在my lab在布法罗大学建筑与规划学院, which focuses on reducing climate change impacts on cities and buildings, we have found that air conditioning and other fossil fuel cooling systems can create long-term risks even as they solve short-term problems. As climate change makes heat waves整个地区和国家更加频繁, cities will need more tools to protect their residents.
In the years following Chicago’s 1995 extreme heat event, researchers tried to understand what had caused so many excessive illnesses and deaths. Some experts argued that Chicago’s 700 deaths were a symptom ofongoing neglect and isolation美国城市中脆弱的居民。其他人接受了epidemiological approach, focusing on preexisting health conditions and demographic factors such as advanced age.
Great Lakes residents at risk
In the Great Lakes region, climate change models anticipate that global warming will increase the risk, intensity and duration of temperature extremes. This forecast presents a challenge for cities like Rochester, New York, which typically only experience about 12 days over 90°F in the summer. By the end of the century,夏季超过70天可能在该温度范围内。
In addition, cities including Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, and Buffalo have人口老龄化and高贫困率。这两个因素都会增加脆弱性。
在空调出现之前,被动冷却系统是建筑设计的规范。窗帘,浅色材料和涂料,绝缘和自然通风都在室内降低温度。最近,研究人员对”对“被动生存能力,” or systems that don’t require electricity but still protect people during a brownout or blackout.
被动系统很容易被建筑师纳入新建筑物的设计中,但是现有房屋需要改造。自1970年代以来,联邦资助Weatherization Assistance Programhas provided billions of dollars to help low-income households protect themselves from winter weather and save money by making their homes more energy efficient.
Making homes safer through weatherization
一个s the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, access to safe housing is a critical resource. A national evaluation of the Weatherization Assistance Program indicates that weatherized homes may be贝蒂r equipped to provide safe, healthy environmentsin times of need.
For example, programs like the “Warm and Dry” effort from人们联合可持续住房在布法罗provide basic repairsthat can stop the growth of mold indoors. Other weatherization providers give advice on cleaning and maintenance that can reduce the number of asthma attacks.
改善家庭的挑战,我巴厘岛eve that federal and state governments should begin to examine ways in which weatherization can help prepare our communities to shelter in place in the future from heat waves, extreme precipitation and other forms of气候怪异。

一个weatherization stimulus
国会已经通过了2万亿美元的联邦刺激套餐帮助美国经济从冠状病毒大流行中恢复过来,并预计会有更多的救援包,可能包括infrastructure investments。In my view, expanding the Weatherization Assistance Program could put unemployed people back to work, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help our cities prepare for an uncertain climate future.
-尼古拉斯·拉杰科维奇(Nicholas Rajkovich)是建筑助理教授纽约州立大学布法罗大学。This article is republished fromThe Conversation在创意共享许可下。阅读original article here。
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"Summer temperatures in Chicago normally peak in the low 80s"
作者提到的节省在包括健康等因素,慢性疾病,诸如哮喘病,工作日期等的因素时会变得更大。因此,气象化计划多次为自己支付。此外,它在全国各地培训并雇用了数千名员工,并获得了两党的支持,并且与其他政府计划相比,获得了大量资金。不幸的是,它仍然是“在雷达之下”。。。私营部门仍然没有完全接受气候化,部分原因是它是看不见的,并且没有花岗岩台面的性吸引力。低收入人士意识到货币福利更快。但是,如果我们继续避免现实,我们的选择将变得更加浮士德人。。。 put another way, climate change is making all of us equal.
最绿色的建筑是已经建造的。带有铅漆的旧窗户可以安全地恢复,而无需更换窗户。现场研究(不是由窗户更换公司资助的实验室研究)证明,恢复和环境化的窗户可以与替换窗口相等或更节能。可以安全地删除旧铅漆。红外涂料去除剂,例如Speedheater(www.eco-strip.com)可以在低温下加热铅涂料,而铅油漆不会释放铅烟雾,但会产生柔软的油漆,以易于刮擦和安全的固定。承包商无需雇用;房主可以自己进行修复。通过环境窗户甚至添加风暴窗,可以进一步密封。目的是使旧窗户在夏天最初设计时运行:降低顶部窗格,让热空气逸出并抬起底部窗格,让凉爽的空气进入。在冬季,修复后的窗户和风暴窗使它们节能效率。 We need to encourage old home owners to use the most sustainable materials for restoration - existing building structure such as: windows, doors, transoms, etc.
在任何房主接受您的建议自己从窗户自己身上剥离铅漆之前,他们应该为铅安全练习学习课程 - 尤其是当房子里有孩子或育龄的妇女时。试图去除铅漆可能对自己动手的房主,孩子和其他家庭成员的健康有害。这类工作的可能影响包括房屋中任何儿童的永久性大脑损害。
For more information, see"What Should I Do With My Old Windows?"
Excellent article above and all the comments. For sure, most of the issues of lead paint safety and restoration of windows were covered. I usually harp on lead safe work practices when I write or talk about restoration of any wood surface. On this May 12th article comment, I was restraining myself to stay on topic. One disagreement I have with you. Even after becoming RRP certified trainer myself, I believe homeowners can do the work safely with safe tools like the Speedheaters, PPE and safety materials in their work areas. Expensive contractors with lots of overhead are not needed. The EPA materials and internet resources are excellent. My position is that homeowners are going to strip their homes anyway, and the ones that are lower income will be doing it themselves. Given their budgets, I would rather have them use lead safe tools and methods and keep those old windows for decades more rather than buying the disposable ones which must be replaced again in 15-20 years. Our replacement windows (which we bought before I joined the restoration industry) failed in less than 10 years. I appreciate you reminding me and your readers about lead safety. Carry on!!!
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