迈克·斯洛加特:我要准备好这个窗口,这样当我把它摆到合适的位置时,我就不用和它斗争了。我先装几个螺丝,这样我装窗户的时候就有东西把它固定在一起了。现在我已经把止动器取出来了,我将在做最后的配合时,设置两个顶部螺丝来固定窗户的位置。不要把所有的螺丝钉都拧进去。如果你这样做,你将无法打开窗扇;他们会碍事的。我只需要在窗台上涂上密封胶,然后我们就可以设置窗户了。我用的密封胶是专门用来密封窗户和那种性质的法兰的。一旦使用了密封胶,将窗户插入开口并拧紧。旁白:迈克在没有把螺丝送回家的情况下启动了螺丝,这样他就可以把新窗户装直了。 Mike Sloggatt: Our goal is to install the window properly, making sure all the reveals are good and everything is nice and even. We use shims and screws to position the window correctly. I also have to make sure the window sits even with the reveal so that the molding is nice and straight. At the bottom of the window, insert a shim between the window and the frame on one side and drive a screw; then do the other side. Even it up as best you can. Next, set the depth of the window so that it’s right up against the stool. It should be the same on the top and the bottom. Use a sliding square as a depth gauge and set the depth at the bottom of the window so that you can duplicate it up at the top. Check the…
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